Chapter 61: Orm, Emotional Support, and The Torture Chamber

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***tiny changes made***

"Yeah, we've been here for, how long now? And we still haven't seen the stupid captain." Lokus exclaims.
"Probably doesn't even exist." Snotlout grumbles.
"Wow. I take offence to that!"
We turn around, seeing a door half open and a head poking out, looking back at us.

Astrid's POV

"Wow. Relax, you look like I've just killed a guy!" the man exclaims, chuckling slightly.
I smile nervously, trying not to think about Gosta, whose skull was crushed.
"You lot look tired, join me for refreshments? We can discuss anything that needs to be." The man offers. I glance at the others. Ruffnut nods, Snotlout shrugs, and Lokus gives me a sheepish smile. It's clear I'm making the decision.

"Yeah..." I clear my throat to sound more confident. "Yes, thank you, Sir," I respond, offering a small smile.

"Follow me," he tells us. "I have some warm stew waiting."

Reluctantly, we follow him down the hall and into a room. When he opens the door, I gesture for him to walk in first, because I have trust issues and I don't want him to shut us in. Once we're all in, he gently shuts the door behind us and gestures to a large wooden table. We all take a seat as he gestures to a man holding a pot, who nods and brings over some bowls. He serves us all some stew, which we accept gratefully. It's been quite a while since our last meal.

"So, tell me, young lady, what brings you to my ship?" He asks.

"Oh, uh, well... it's a long story," I admit sheepishly, stirring my spoon around the stew.

"The names Captain Orm, welcome to Danensis Destiny! My son likes to call it The Ship of the Gods, stupid boy." He gives us a warm smile but rolls his eyes talking about his son. "And, I have time and patience!"

I nod, before speaking. "I'm Fearless Astrid Hofferson, this is Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut Thorstan, and Lokus the Lucky. We're from Berk. Heard of it?"

Orm hums. "Legends of the chief, Stoick, have reached me, yes. What brings you here?"

"Well, you see, we recently lost our heir. He basically defeated the nest of the dragons and drove them away, but it cost him his life."

"He was able to control a Night Fury!" Ruffnut pipes up.
"Unbelievable, I know." I nod. Orm nods, gesturing for me to continue.
"So, we were giving him a funeral, when—"
"Even though we never actually found his body," Ruffnut exclaims. I roll my eyes and continue on.
"So we were giving him the funeral when Alvin the Treacherous showed up."

"He's the chief of the Outcast tribe, right?" Orm checks and I nod, taking a bite of the warm stew before continuing.

"Yes. And he's taken over the island. We managed to escape, but Stoick wouldn't come with us because he wanted to stay with the village. He sent us to go to Oswald the Agreeable, he's the chief of the Berserkers. They're our closest allies. So we went with what we could and left in the middle of the night. What we weren't expecting, was a storm, and eventually, we were thrown overboar—"

"Actually, you were thrown overboard. Some guy appeared out of nowhere and saved you." Snotlout interrupted. I frown, getting irritated at being interrupted. I take a bite of stew to disguise my annoyance.

"We thought they were going to leave us, but eventually someone rowed out to us and helped us. But by then, it was only us left. The others were pulled away by waves and we had no idea where they went." Lokus added.

"There was originally like thirteen of us." I supply.

"One was a baby," Lokus adds.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Orm frowns. I notice Ruffnut look down.

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