Chapter 71: Berserker Island

413 13 11

Published 3rd Jan 2023

Happy New Year 🥳

Sorry for any mistakes.

Tuffnut's POV


Tuffnut went exploring and ended up in the ocean, again. But the dragon showed up and saved him, again.


The waves crash in and out as I lay outstretched on the sand, tossing a rock up and down to myself as I contemplate anything from the time Ruffnut and I nearly burnt down the Hofferson's house, to how I'll actually be able to get out of this den and find the others. If they're still alive.

"Hey." I pipe up after a while, sitting up. The dragon raises its head and looks at me, huffing out a puff of smoke. "Okay, still a little mad. I get that, I get that." I nod. "But, I've been thinking. What should I call you?" He squints at me, probably confused or constipated. I continue. "Cause... I feel like you should have a name. Do you have a name?" He responds with some weird noises and looks at me expectantly. "Yeah, sorry I don't think I'm physically capable of saying that." I shrug—I don't know what he said, or if he was just growling at me, but I always like to respond anyway. It makes me feel like I'm having a conversation, which gives the illusion that I'm not, you know, alone. I'm so used to always having my parasitic twin hanging around, it's been weird to have my only company a dragon.

"I'll have to give you a name, a cool one. Not a lame one. I had a pet rock called Pegma once. Like Plema but you peg the rock at people. I thought it was great." I chuckle. "Anywayl I'm getting off topic." I shake my head. "How about... Huffer. Cause you're always—No that's terrible. I can do better." I quickly cut myself off at the low grow that comes out of his mouth. I move on and continue to brainstorm.

"You're kinda a Nut, like myself. So you should have that in your name. Bluenut? Wait no, my twice removed uncle had— actually, I don't want to think about that. Bubblenut? Rocknut? Nutnut? Nut Nutter the fifth?" I tap my chin, thinking. The dragon isn't impressed. I continue to rack my brain before groaning in annoyance and just picking a random word. "You know what? I'm gonna call you Brinenut, because Briny is another word for salty and we are in saltwater, are we not?" The third officiate that I pushed off the cliff when I was learning sure did like to complain about the water he landed in, but he was a really fancy speaker so he pretty much refused to say salty—which is why I know the word Briny.

He doesn't looks impressed, but he doesn't growl or attack me so I'll count that as successful. After that I return to lazing about, because it's not like I have anything better to do. I can't even punch Ruffnut, or have her punch me, like we would when we were bored. How selfish of her to not be here. I'd punch Brinenut but I don't think he'd enjoy it.

The next few hours are spent laying around, attempting to climb the walls three times, splashing (an unimpressed but otherwise unphased) Brinenut with water four times, sitting by the fire, napping, eating leftover fish, and making sandcastles by using bark as the shell.

Otherwise, it's quiet. Nothing interesting happens until a few hours later, as I'm sitting next to the fire, the water in the entrance shifts weirdly. I look over at Briny automatically, but his back is to the entrance as he sleeps in the sand a few meters from the water.

I look back over at the water as a large splash occurs, and something breaches the surface. My heart racing faster than the time I walked in on my aunt Glugnut and Crockpot Larson, I will myself to stay still with my eyes glued to the water.

Swiftly, a sea weed green head breaches the surface as a dragon crawls up onto the sand, shaking its head as water droplets tumble downward. It's broad head and flat body is unmistakable— it's a Thunderdrum.

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