Chapter 64: Hiccup is a sassy little asshole

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Hmm, what's this? An update! Wow. Who would've guessed 😂
Enjoy I guess?
(Edited 15/7/21)

Astrid's POV

I choose this moment to slip away from the room, unnoticed.

I roll my eyes. I guess I'm doing this on my own? They're all too busy chatting up the captain. Actually, this is a good opportunity. They're keeping him busy.

I walk out the door, everyone too busy eating or listening to notice me.
I just have to focus on not getting caught.


The hallways are empty and quiet as I make my way up above deck. I only pass one or two crewmen— one what looks like a cleaner, and the other tells me he's a Boatswain when I ask him where he was going this time of morning— to check the sails and rigging. He kindly directs me to which hallways to take to the deck.

"Thank you!" I smile at him, moving off quickly. I have to make sure I move that body before anyone else finds it.

I quickly find my way up on deck and push open the wooden door that leads to the outside. I step outside, getting a face full of salty wind. Pausing to close the door behind me, I let out a breath, trying to keep steady on the rocking ship.

Glancing around myself, I try to remember where we...stored... the body. Thor, I still can't believe I killed a man! I wasn't so focused on it last night cause all I wanted to do was find the others and be somewhere safe. But I killed a man! Sure, he was a psycho. And a creep. And a pathetic excuse for a human, but... where was I going with this? Let's be honest here. It's probably a good thing he's gone. Besides, if I want to be a Shield Maiden, then I need to get used to murder.

I shrug to myself and start walking in a direction that is vaguely familiar. Murder isn't very hard anyway. If that's what it takes to protect my people, to protect Berk, then that's what I'm ready to do.

After a few minutes, I see the familiar supply of fishing gear. Glancing around for people and finishing no one, I rush over to the netting and unravel it as quickly as I can.

After a moment of struggling, the body is revealed.
"Yep. He's dead." I confirm. I look around again and see no one. So I lean down and grab the body —Gosta's body— by the angles and drag it away from the fishing gear.

I should toss it overboard. That way it'll be like a freak accident, and with no body, they can't prove otherwise! Nodding to myself, I drag the body towards the edge of the deck, heaving at the effort.

"Son of a half-troll! He weighs more than my father," I huff through clenched teeth as I strain to pull the body up. I let out a breath. I look down at the body. I'm sorry it had to be this way.

Slowly, I lift the body up further.
...but you were a psycho.

I flip it over the rail and watch as it drops into the waves with a splash. I let out a breath of relief, knowing I won't have to worry about being caught for murder anymore.  

I turn around, lifting my hands to see them covered in blood
I grimace, shaking them slightly. How do I explain this if someone runs into—

I look up... and freeze.


Oh, Helheim. I really should have been more careful. Standing right there, arms crossed, with an angry and shocked look on his face, is a certain man with spiky black hair and brown eyes. A man I only met this morning.

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