Chapter 39: A Sad Ending (or IS it?!)

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Toothless' POV (minutes later)

As I come to, I blink and open my eyes a bit, it's dark but I can see some orange flecks here and there. My whole body aches and throbs in searing pain. My chest heaves with every breath I take, my lungs protesting in pain.

What happen--HICCUP!
I focus my ringing ears and pick up my heartbeat, and just a little quieter and slower, Hiccup's heartbeat. I still feel him pressed against me so I know that he is at least alive. I relax slightly, knowing he's safe. But what worries me, is the stench of blood. My mind is foggy, and I cant process much, except for the fact that we're alive, and how much blood I smell. It takes over my senses, until all I smell is blood. Human, and dragon, blood.

"Oh, Son..I did this...I caused this...I'm so...I'm so sorry!" I look up through the fog with my great eyesight to see Stoick kneeled a few hundred paces away, looking at the ground in defeat. All the rest of the vikings are without helmets and also looking at the ground. They think we're are dead...I think it's best that they believe that.

I hear some wing flutters so I look up to see Wildfire land in front of me softly, followed by a Monstrous Nightmare.

I try to ignore the pain and concentrate, looking at Wildfire as I try to tell her what I want, feeling myself fading out again.
We gotta get out of here. We gotta keep Hiccup safe.
Wildfire nods, understanding my pleading look and beckons for the Monstrous Nightmare and RedViper to come over.

The Nightmare spreads his large wings, blocking us from any wind or rain, or Vikings in case they see us, while I unfold my aching wings and RedViper gently takes the safe, but deeply injured Hiccup in his claws. It takes all I have to stop myself from lunging for him. Wildfire picks me up and takes off, being as gentle as possible as she follows RedViper through the smoke and fog.

"Don't worry, Toothless. We'll find a safe place! We'll keep you and Hiccup safe. I swear the Nightmares life on it!" Wildfire reassures me softly.
"Hey!" The Nightmare jokes, trying to lighten the mood but to be honest it doesn't help.

The last thing I hear is, "SON! SON!"
And then I let out a gentle moan, before everything fades to darkness again. Where no pain can get to me.

Astrid's POV.
"Hiccup!" Stoick calls, searching urgently through the fog and smoke with the rest of us. "Hiccup!" He spins around wildly, cloak flinging as he searches. Searching for his son. His blood. His saviour.
Where is he?! The last thing we saw was him falling into the fire, the night fury going after him. He's gotta be here somewhere!
"SON!" Stoick yells desperately into the heavy air.

He.. saved us! He saved all of us. A Useless. Every single tribe in the archipelago and beyond owes him greatly! Hiccup horrendous Haddock the Third, X-heir of Berk, winner of dragon training, betrayer of vikings, savior of us.

Suddenly our great chief bursts into a run, obviously seeing something, and I share a distraught look with Randi as we and the rest of those present scramble after him desperately.
Please be okay, please be oka—
"Hiccup....Oh, son... I did this.. i caused this... I'm so...I'm so sorry..." Stoick murmurs, sad and torn, as he drops to the floor. It turns out, that what he thought was a dragon, was simply a pile of rocks.
No! No..I...I don't- it can't be.
Shocked tears well in my eyes, and I look down towards the ground, trying to contain myself as I breath heavily, the thought of Hiccup gone shocking me deeply.
Stoick's given up. Is Hiccup really gone?!  No. No, He can't be.

"O-only Useless could manage to-to kill himself." Snotlout mutters, trying to keep the act up. I sock him hard in the shoulder.
"Drop the act, Jorgensen. No one believes it." I mutter, looking down with wide eyes.
He's gone.

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