28. The Stars That Said Goodbye

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Their eyes followed us as we approached. Mason beside me the entire time. I didn't want to fight them. They were my family and if we accidentally killed them then I would be alone all over again.

"Mason," I whispered and looked at him with concern. He gave me a tired but emphatic look. He definitely didn't want to hurt them either.

"Just long enough for Dean to do his thing," he told me as he stared them down.

Alexis hands manipulated the fire near by and sailed it towards us. I pulled Mason down as it soared over us. "As long as we are in this together."

Cameron levitated the bricks from the building, a smile spread across his face before he motioned for the bricks to fly towards us. Mason was already on it and shot them to bits with his laser eyes. They looked at each other before advancing forward, Maya with great speed. She zipped towards Mason and caused him to fall to the ground. But Mason was stronger than her and easily pushed her back.

Cameron went in with a punch and I stumbled back with each movement. He levitated bits and pieces of bricks, adding more each time before one managed to strike my forehead and knock me back. I could feel the warm blood oozing from my head which was enough for Cameron to slam me to the ground.

Mason continued to push forward as Alexis and Maya pounded him with speed and fire. That was enough for Cameron to come by and smash a rock against his skull. Mason fell back and I tried to reach out and cry but a figure stood on the wall watching me. Tim flew down and stood in front of me, his wings folding behind him as he knelt down and smoothed my hair.

"Tim... help us," I struggled up but ended up clutching my side in pain. Tim shook his head and reached behind his back. I looked at him with confusion. "Tim..."

The gleaming light of a sliver object caused me to fall back in shock. A grin spread across his face and he pulled me close to him tightly. His warm breath in my ear caused me to shiver as I reached towards the knife. I knew it was there and I could smell the metallic blood in the air. Over his shoulder I saw Mason unconscious body laying there alone as my friends stood over him as they picked him up.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way, Jasp but rules are rules. Father wasn't a word of acceptance and I can't have you humans ruining our dream," he whispered into my ear. My hand wrapped around the knife and I leaned back to look into his face.

A sly grin spread across my face and he watched me confused. "And I can't have you ruinin' my dream either, Tim." I drew the knife out before stabbing him also. He stumbled back in betrayal as I struggled to breath. "I'm.. so.. sorry," I cried as I gulped for air.

Tim's eyes struggled to hold onto mine as he pulled the knife from his heart. He let it drop onto the grass and fell backwards up at the starry sky. With one last breath, I fell also to stare at the million of stars that said goodbye.

The Girl with Butterfly Wings | ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن