26. The Overseer

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     Heavy footsteps and gun firing could be heard in the distance. It had been a few hours of me seating in the same chair and to be honest I was a little annoyed. The sky had darken and I stared at the stars in the sky. Mr. Bosswood had finished talking on the phone and placed the phone down. Why am I here? It's been like 2 hours, I asked, while standing up from the chair with my arms crossed.

     Mr. Bosswood motioned for me to sit with a glare. I quickly sat as he neared. "You don't know the whole story about me, Reese. You're helping someone that hid valuable information from you. That's been lying to you and I'm a man that hates lying." 

     He watched as confusion passed over my face before replying, "The Overseer. The one that told you to help her? I was her apprentice."


     "The Overseer is not immortal but must choose a new Guardian every hundred years. Me, just being a young boy was chosen. Expect we had different beliefs. I wanted the world to know about The Novaoids while she did not."

     And look where we are now. I frown up at him. Families are separated and we are at war. People are dying! 

     "But your gene that's been hidden has finally shown. You can finally be your true self," he claimed. A gleam in his eye showed. "The old Overseer was hiding your true self. I, The Overseer, has showed the world that there's no need to hide. All I wanted to do is make you powerful until you reached your full potential. What can be given can be taken away. Guards!" 

      The double doors opened and two guards came forward. I tried to jump up but they grabbed a hold of me. They pushed me back into the chair as Mr. Bosswood made his way towards me. You're the person that killed The Overseer! They'll come for you and kill you! You'll regret doing this! I struggled against them and kicked my feet at him. Let me go! 

     "Your power is too weak compared to mine, young one." He placed his hands on my head and closed his eyes. He started to mumble words and something flashed in my head. Mr. Bosswood staggered back and sneered. "It can't be possible. There can't be two Overseers." 

     Suddenly the door busted open and the guards let go. Jumping up I see Mason. He smiled when he saw me but focused on the others. A few unfamiliar stood beside him expect Alex and Maya. "Come along Reese," he said. 

      "So be it," Mr. Bosswood growled before pressing a button. Mason shot him in the chest but it was too late. The device beeped and so did the bracelets. 

     I looked at my brother with fear, Mason? 

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