22. Ships and Soldiers

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     "Ready the army, commander!" I shouted to Mason and he rolled his eyes. All of our soldiers stood in formation, their guns pointed towards the sky. We stood near the doors that led to the old sewer pipes. Jasper was getting the maps to the pipes so we could avoid being seen by the public. We were going to try to stay underneath the city as long as possible. 

     "Do we have the boat ready for our trip across?" Mason asked me while we stood waiting. I knew a guy a while back that owned a boat. Luckily he didn't mind us borrowing it as long as nothing happened to it. 

     "Aye Captain Mason. Boat's in position waiting for us to board," I said and a few of the soldiers chuckled.  

     Jasper rushed to us and handed off the papers to Mason. "I also brought you guys something us that could benefit us." Before we could respond Jasper motion for us to follow. Slowly following I gaped at what laid in front of us. Adults and teenagers stood ready to follow our lead and Mason nearly dropped his papers. There had to be more than 50 people ready to follow our lead. 

     "Jasper how? When?" 

      Jasper waved his questions off, "Never mind that. What matters is we have a really army."

     "But we don't have enough weapons and armor for everyone. So of them probably don't know that first thing about war," Mason argued back. He was clearly overwhelmed with the situation and what to do.

     Jasper smiled at him, "We give guns to the ones without gifts. They don't have to know anything about war Mason. The people who are standing here today want to make a difference in the world and that's all they need. They know the risk they are taking. They are now just wanting on you to lead them." 

     Mason shook his head in disagreement, "No.. they are waiting on us. We are a team and we're going to lead this army together." 

"For Freedom!" I placed my hand in the center of the group. They smiled at my playful behavior before joining in. 

"For Freedom!"


     We had split into three groups, about 26 each, but followed closely behind each other. The plan was once we got to the docks one group at a time would head for the island. Then they would wait there until the other two groups made it to the island. From there we would break off and set off towards the base. One group on each side of the base. Mason's group would take the entrance hoping to distract them while the other groups come in from the sides. One being the hole that the kid escape from.

     We could hear the drive by of cars right above us as we marched in the sewer. Slight patches of light guide us and as I passed by I could see cars zoom by. Every now and then droplets of water would hit us from who knows where while rats scurried to cracks in the wall. 

     "We're almost to the dock," Mason called to us, his voice echoing down the tunnel. Jasper and I left our soldiers to join Mason in a recap. "You all remember the plan?"

     We nodded in agreement. 

     "I'll go first and tell him we're here. After that you can go ahead," I told Mason. I made my way up the ladder and peered through the crack. Hardly anyone was at the docks so I made my way out I quick as I could. Standing up I brushed myself off and started glancing at all the boats. 

     Too white. Too fancy. I don't even know what to call that. My eyes landed on brown boat with Bay O'Wolf written in big letters down the side. Small windows lined the boat which let the room inside the boat. The grey haired man caught me staring and waved me over. I jogged over as he placed a board down creating a ramp up. 

     "How's it going old man?" I yelled to him before making my way across the dock.

     "Old man ay? Is that what you're calling your grandfather now?" He wrapped me into a hug before ruffling my hair. 

     I smiled up at him, "Thanks for everything pops." 

     "That's what grandfathers do. We spoil you kids. Where's your buddies at?" He looks over at the docks but there wasn't anyone there. 

     "Right. Actually your going to have a make a couple of trips back. We got more people than expected. My friend Mason going to come first. You remember the spot?"

     He nodded, "I got it marked on the map." 

     "Good. I'll get the others." I started to make my away down but then turned around to look at him. "Please be careful."

     "The same goes for you to sport." 

     Sinking down into the hole I close the lid over me. "Okay. My grandpa is ready for you... um what's going on here?" 

     Jasper was sitting next to Mason, who was passed out on the ground. When she heard my voice she jumped up. "I don't know. One minute he was talking and the next he fell over. Our medic friend is sensing a bad vibe."

     "A bad vibe?"

     She shrugged and continued, "Should we wait for him to wake up?" 

     Seeing how the sun was dipping lower into the sky when I was out on the boat, we couldn't waste anymore time. I shook my head and said, "It's already evening. We need all need to be at the island before sunset. It's about 20 mins just for one trip. How about your group goes first and if Mason isn't awake by then then he can stay on the ship with my grandfather."

     Jasper didn't look so sure about this but nodded anyway. She called up her group before heading out. I propped up Mason against the wall and waited.

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