16. Reunite

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     We sat in Maya room as I showed her everything I had. "And how exactly did they never catch you with all of this information?" Maya asked, skimming the notes. Nothing was going on right now so we had free roam for now. Maya had said that the cameras were down right now. Some type of maintenance so more guards were posted around the place.

     Guess they never check rooms thoroughly nowadays, I smirked. Maya looked impressed before turning to me.

     "When did you want those schedule post?"

     As soon as possible, My face masked with seriousness before I hesitated. Should I ask about the kids? I knew I could trust her. I sat in the wooden chair, uncertainly. I strange feeling of nervousness passed over me.

     Maya looked at me worriedly, "Everything okay?"

     Looking at her I tapped my fingers on my knees, Also noticed that the guards have been taking kids at random times. Do you know why?

     Her eyebrows furrowed, confusion in her voice, "What?" She dropped the papers she had been holding.

     I brought my feet up in the chair while I wrapped my arms around them, About once a week they take a kid at random. Here. I take a journal from my pocket. The first time it happened was about a month ago.

     She gently takes the book in her hand before sitting down. Maya opens the book and quietly reads. Her fingers skim across the page her face masked her confusion. Silence stretched out before she looked up.

     "I.. I don't know. They never mentioned anything to me."

     It's usually always the same two guards. But once they take them it's like they kill them. I shudder at the thought.

     "I don't think they'd kill them," She said but her face didn't seem like she agreed with what she said. She places the book to the side letting out a sigh.

     My mind goes back to the time when she said that they let us go after a while. I already knew that wasn't true. The place still frightened me but also confused me. Like this place was too good to be true.

     They've never done experiment on us. They always feed us, gave us clean clothes, and gave warnings. Never once have I been hurt expect the stupid wrist band. Its was creepy and weird. What did they really want?

     "Henry's son showed up yesterday," She blurted out. I looked up raising an eyebrow.

     Say what now?

     Maya placed a hand on face, "Sorry. The man of all of this, introduce me to his son. He's name is Tim. Not that it matters."

     That man has a weird relationship with you. He places way too much trust in you, I laugh.

     She smiled, "Well who's going to get all the inside info? Besides it's more like a weird father to daughter relationship... That I did not ask for." With a smirk she tossed the notebook in my direction. Which I wasn't ready for.

     Hey! I reached for it slightly catching, my chair wobbled from the unbalance. I bring the book close to me, hugging it for dear life.

     A knock made the two of us jump. My heart raced and I instantly went for the notes. Scooping them up I shoved them in the closes thing, which happened to be a sock drawer. Maya hand sat on the door handle and she looked at me before opening it. "Hey, oh."

     At first I thought it was Alejandro but instead stood a guard. He dressed in a neat outfit and a shiny gold badge rested on his chest, "Good day Maya. Is Reese Keeley with you?"

     Maya hesitated for a second before stepping away from the door, "Yes. May I ask why?" Confusion washed over me as I stepped closer to the door.

     My heart beaten faster the moment he replied, "Henry Bosswood would like to see her." Silence filled the air and pretty soon the guard dragged me out. The look on Maya face was filled with shock but once she made eye contact with me she nodded. Good. I knew that right then and there she would hide the notes.

     I tried to remain as calm as possible as the guard to me to Mr. Bosswood. Rumors started to surface my brain as I tried to think of what possible made Mr. Bosswood want to see me. Did he hear about the Rebellion I wanted to start? Did he catch me taking notes? Is he even suspicious about me? It's the automatic death penalty for any of that. I didn't want to raise any suspicion so I held my shaking hands.

     The tile floor came to a stop and was replace by black carpet. No one stood guard by this hallway but a wooden door did. It wasn't some fancy door but just an average everyday door. No name or no decorations. I wasn't sure if I should be scared or more nervous.

    The dude next to me opened the door and I took a step inside the vast room. The brick wall was a cream color along with black carpet. A desk stood in the middle and a large comfy chair behind it. A boy stood facing a whiteboard, his back turned. The door slammed behind me and the boy turned to face me. He face showed no emotion before turning back to the board. His quite to young to be him... either way I wouldn't be surprised.

     My tail swung nervously behind me, I promise I didn't do anything wrong and if i did I'll make up for it. I-

     He raised his hand and faced me, "I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong. He isn't one to disappear if it was important." I tilted my head confused. Is he also in trouble with him too?

     A door swung open on the other side of the room revealing a slightly older man. His pressed suit made him looking like he just came back from a date. A smile stood on his faces and laughter filled the room. He held the door open just as two people walked through.

    My blood froze as I laid as on them and felt as if I couldn't hold myself up. I stumbled slightly knocking into a picture frame. The feeling in my bones felt numb as I tried to catch the picture frame. A picture of a boy smiled back at me, it tumbled to the ground. CRASH.

     Shard bits scattered the floor and the four of them faced me but I only focused on her. Her brown eyes widen before tears filled them, with open arms she ran hugging me tight. I stood there, shocked and nothing came into my mind. It was blank and broken. "Reese we've been trying to get in touch for years. Are you okay!?"

     I faced my stepmom and dad, Mom. Dad. What... what are you doing here?

     She laughed before wiping away her tears, "Didn't Director Bosswood tell you? Your father got promoted from being a cop to being a guard here. Aren't you exicted?!"

     Director Bosswood eyes gleamed and I gulped before smiling, I'm extremely thrilled.

The Girl with Butterfly Wings | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon