24. Stars Shining Bright

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      The sea breeze blew against my face as the boat sailed towards the island. Jasper and her group waited on the beach and when the boat neared she waved to us. The captain anchored the boat and we jumped into the water. I was never found of the ocean mostly because of wet clothes. Jasper greeted me with a hug as I stepped onto the sandy beach. 

     "I'm glad you are okay. Was it a vision?" she asked in a low voice. I haven't told anyone other then her about my other power. It's not that I don't trust the others but I'd rather not have everyone know about The Overseer and that I'm on some 'special mission'. 

     "Yes and no." She looked confused and I continued, "It's like The Overseer brought me and Reese together before she died?" 


     Unsure I said, "Yeah she was like talking in the present time but her body was in our mind. She was bleeding before she disappeared. I have no idea how to contact her..." 

     "We'll find a way when this is all over," she smiled warmly before giving me a hug. 

     The sun just started to set over the water when Cameron's crew hit the beach, he nodded his head to the captain and the boat took off towards the main land. "Let's just hope TSAC doesn't find that boat suspicious."  

      "It won't. The base is hidden within millions of trees," I told Cameron. My response didn't seem to settle his nervous as he looked back at the ship. I patted his back and tried for a smile. "He'll be okay." 

     "We should get a move on if we want to reach the base before dark," a solider interrupted. 

      "Let's head out."


     Our footsteps marched quietly on the grassy ground. An occasionally twig could be heard snapping but other than that the woodsy area was silent. I wasn't expecting it to be but than again it was a man made island. The humans held their guns raised ready to strike at any given moment. The forest grew dimmer with each passing moment and it was getting harder to see. I didn't want any flashlights for it would give away our positions so we need to move faster. 

     A metal gate came into view and buildings stood protectively inside. The main gate stood heavily guarded with spotlights sweeping the area. I motioned for everyone to sit and I looked towards the sky. When the stars shined in the sky it's go time. I turned around to the others and whispered, "Guns locked and load? Armor snug tight?" Most nodded and response while others were ready to get this over with. 

    "I'm ready," the solider from before said and I glanced up at the sky. A few stars peeked out and that was go enough for me. 


     He snaked around the bushes quickly, hiding each time the spot light swept past. He made it to the entrance before kneeling up and firing. The two guards in the watch tower went down and everything was silent again. We waited a few more seconds before coming out. 

     "Nice work!" 

    The spotlight moved blinding us before bullets rain down. We fired back blinded before the light fell to the ground. A gun shot echoed the tower before a voice laughed, "Thought I'd swing by and say hello." 


     "That's my name." She watched us closely, her hand lit with fire to reveal her face, "Are you coming in or not?" 

     "Not yet. Alexis I need you to gather the other mutants and start a rebellion from the inside. Lead them here. With all of us together we can win this." 

     She looked behind her before nodding. "Reese and Maya are on it but I'll go find them. You've got company by the way."

     "Okay. Be safe!" I said before turning to the others. "You know what to do." 

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