17. Ready, Set, Go!

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     It's been a week since we've gotten the recruits. Jasper, Cameron and I stood waiting for Alexis. Cameron tapped his foot impatiently while Jasper stared off into space. Everything was laid out of the whiteboards and table and I'll I need to do was go over the plan.

     "I don't think she's coming. We can catch her up later," Cameron said impatiently, his foot tapping stopped. Jasper seemed to come back into reality and nodded her head in agreement.

     Taking my hands out of my pocket, I walked to the whiteboard. "Fine. Okay. I printed out a lay out of the TSAC base." The printed paper showed a picture from above and a yellow highlighter lighted the potential exit/enter points. Each building was given a number which represented what it stood for. I pointed to each of them my finger lingering on the main one, "There are four potential exits. This is the main one."

     Cameron's eyes furrowed, "How did you get this? The picture of the base I mean."

     "Turns out we have a hacker in our building, who will be helping us out for this mission," I pointed out before moving on. "Everyone is located in the same building at night. The guards aren't posted around this building as much for they rely on the cameras." I circled a huge building that was connected to a smaller building. Cameron opened his mouth but I silenced it with a hand, "We have a survivor in our base. I got most of the intel from him."

     Jasper looked at me, "Then shouldn't he be in here with us?"

     "Oh he is. He's a little shy. Dean may you come out?"

     A boy appeared next to me and waved. Freckles dotted his face that brought out his blue eyes. A red line ran across his neck and he had a bruises everywhere. Dean couldn't be more than 8. Jasper gasped taking in the boy's appearance, "Did they do that to you?"

     "They were doing some sort of experiment on me. The kids before me never came back out and when it was my turn I tried to escape. When they thought I was dead they threw me out. I'm not sure how they didn't see me escape but I did," He looked at the two of them before turning to me. His antenna stood straight up as if he was ready for duty.

     "Now that you are present let's get on with the rest of the plan."


     Dean told us everything he possibly remembered. How they sorted each training group based on your gift. That curfews were at 10 o'clock. Most of the guards are stationed at the courtyard and the front gate. "No one is stationed where they throw the bodies. I've heard it's because it stinks. And it does."

     "Why would they harm kids if they're going to train them? That doesn't make sense to me," Jasper sat on the table, her hand sorting the papers.

     Cameron raised in eyebrow, "Really? Their evil for a reason. You know killing kids is like major evil points."

     "I don't think it's because they want to rack up on evil points, Cameron," Jasper rolled her eyes at his behavior.

     I frowned before turning to the others,"It's because they want to start an army. Eliminate the weak to improve the strong." My eyes instantly went to Dean, "You have invisibility. They must see it as a weak gift."

     Dean eyes lit up, "Yes. That would explain Lilly's disappearance. She could manipulate water but also she was depressed a lot. She didn't want to corroborate with anyone." He tapped a finger on his chin, "They also took me exactly at 9:20. September 20. My birthday!"

     "How many times a week do they do this?" Dean stood there silent for a minute before shrugging in response. I frowned but it's not his fault. Besides we've gotten more information then we did before. I clasped my hands together, "We need to carry through this plan soon or more innocent kids are going to die."

     "Yes but do you think will be about to fight against guards and our own people?" Cameron responded. I weighed the possibility of us winning vs losing.

     I took a deep breath while looking back at the building sketch, "I doubt our people will fight against us. They'd more likely fight with us. Besides our greatest weapon lies inside the base."

     Jasper and Cameron smiled, getting where I was coming from, "If we can get someone in the base than our plan should fall into place, right?"

     "Exactly!" I smiled with them. A shred of hope filled my heart. Grabbing the marker I circled an area where the hospital was, "With this being our access point we should be able to get into the base. With our little spy inside they can help us get into the building. The cameras will need to be taken down without drawing any suspicion but we can figure that out later. Also-"

     "Mason! Who's going in?" Jasper interrupted my rambling. So many ideas formed in my brain that I almost forgot that part.

     "Alexis of course. She wanted a chance to go in and I'm giving it to her. That's of course would be if she would show up to the meetings."

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