13. The Fire Angels

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     "Cameron infirmary now! Find out exactly what happened." Mason stood at his desk shuffling papers while typing away at his keyboard. His brow was creased with concentration and frustration. He didn't look up when Cameron nodded before taking off. Alexis and I stood waiting for our order but it didn't seem like Mason noticed. A grandfather clock swung back and forth before releasing twelve chimes. Alexis took this moment to clear her throat.

     "Oh uh sorry. Lunch should be ready now, you two are free," He said looking at both of us.

     "Have you heard anything about new recruits?" Alexis asked. Our so called 'Army' hasn't been doing well. So far it's only us and a people that have nothing to lose. "How are we suppose to win this if we have no defense?"

     Mason rubbed the back of his neck with a worried expression, "I don't know. Everyone really frightened and most have families."

     Alexis clenched her hands together, "Then send me out! Let me spy on them. I'll get the ones that are trapped in the base to rebel!"

     "I need you here, Alex. The last thing I need is for you to get captured," Mason shook his head. Alexis growled before stomping out of the room.

     I waited until she was out of earshot before making my way to Mason, "She's a warrior you know. She feels trapped in here."

     Mason side putting his head in his hands, "I know. It's just been so stressful lately. With Reese gone and Tim's recent disappearance. I don't want to lose others. You understand my situation?"

     "My cousin can be... adventurous... rebellious. He'll be back soon... Hopefully. He's not one to stick around in one spot for too long," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

     Mason watched me from the corner of my eye. He turned in his chair to face me, "We'll find him. Besides his only been gone for a few days." He places a hand on mine and squeezes.

     My cheeks turned a slight red but I turned away before he could notice. I nodded, "Well... don't stay in here for too long. You'll turn into a mushroom."

     He chuckled, "I'll try not to."

     Walking down the hallway, I ran my hands across the wall. The gunshot holes still littered the wall making me shiver from the memory. I walked into the vast room, people roamed the upper and ground floor.

     Each person was assigned a job when they entered The Fire Angels. Some are on the run and just need a safe place for the night. Others get smuggled to other states that accept us, at least for now. The ones that stay want to make a difference. Some are soldiers, doctors, mechanics and everything in between.

     As a founder person basically know who you but you have no idea who they are. Some people smiled and waved as I walked to one of the hallways that lead to the cafeteria. Remembering back to when we found the abandoned mall, that was above a sewage, we took it as an opportunity.

     The base does have it's ups and downs but doesn't everything? The mall doors are barricade along with every other door. There are only two ways in and out. One is through the back door and the other is through the sewage pipe. Since the ceiling is a glass dome we can't have any lights on. Everything is lit with lanterns and candles. With the large space, we have plenty of room and it's home to us.

     The large line of starving people stood waiting. Even as founders we don't get benefits to stuff like this.

     "Hey, Jasper! I wasn't sure if you were going to show," Alexis said as I approached her.

     Giving her a confused look, I asked, "What made you think that?"

     She gave me a smirk and started making kissing noises. People were staring but she didn't seem to care. I punched her in the shoulder, "Stop! People are staring."

     "Fine," She smiled, sticking out her tongue. It was nice seeing her not so grumpy like she's been these past for days. The line started to move up more and I could start to smell what they're serving. Definitely spaghetti.

     "So how're my two favorite girls?" Cameron rushed up linking arms with us.

     "Your only girls," Alexis shot back playfully.

     He pretended to look hurt by placing a hand on his chest. "Ouch. Why'd you do that to me?"

     I placed a hand on his shoulder looking up at him, "Did you get the news to Mason?"

     "Duh, of course I did. Let's not talk about this right now though. Right now it's lunch and only lunch."

     The line had moved up and we were inches away from getting food. A plastic tray was in my hands in no time along with a plate full of warm spaghetti and a bottle of water. All three of us sat down at a empty table and dug in.

     Thoughts swirled through my mind as I tried to piece together everything. I frowned looking up at them, "TSAC has been at it too long. Every time we managed to get a break through theirs go up."


     I looked at Cameron confused, "And we need to step up our game. For all we know everyone we've lost to them could already be dead."

     "We're doing the best we can. Not everyone a solider, Jasper," Alexis started and I looked at some of the families and kids.

     I turned to look back at them, "I know. It's just not fair." My voice muffled against my arms.

     Alexis placed a hand on my arm, "Change takes patience and time and so does war."

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