"I guess that's better than this."

"Good girl. Now come on, little lamb."

By the time we walked the short distance to the restaurant, my feet were already killing me in the heels. I wasn't used to anything more than beat-up, ill-fitting tennis shoes, but I didn't want to complain anymore, so I kept my mouth shut and dealt with it. To Taehyung's credit, the restaurant was fantastic. I ate my food in silence and watched, with only a tinge of jealousy, as he flirted mercilessly with the wait staff that fawned all over him. It was like every beautiful girl in the whole complex had come in, thrown on a white shirt, and grabbed a plate or a glass to bring to the table. Even I had to admit Taehyung was gorgeous, but they were acting like he was a living god sitting in front of them. It was kind of creepy.

"You okay," he asked once he'd paid the bill.

I plastered a fake smile on my face. "I'm fine. Why?"

"You look more pained than usual."

"You know what my 'usual' is already?"

"I'm an excellent judge of character," he answered smugly.

I rolled my eyes and nodded, hoping to let the subject drop. "So is that your job in the gang? You sit around and judge people?"

The depth and richness of his laughter caught me off guard. I mean, his speaking voice was like velvet, but his laugh did things to me. I suddenly had the desire to make him do it again.

"No. Not quite."

"So what do you do?"

He leaned forward on his elbows and clasped his hands in front of his face. "I'm the sniper."

And the chill was back. I sat back and looked over this beautiful, seductive, charming man and tried to imagine him taking someone's life from the other side of a scope. It just didn't compute.

"Can't see it, can you?"

I shook my head. "Not really, no."

"And that's what makes me so good at what I do. Nobody expects someone like me to be good at something like that. Sometimes being underestimated or written off as "the weird guy" has its benefits."

I sat back and thought about that statement. He had a point. "So you don't like letting people get close to you. Right?"

Taehyung licked his lips as he stared at me long enough to make me uncomfortable before sliding his chair away from the table and standing. "Come on. You're going to be late for your makeover."


It was already night by the time we hobbled in the door to the house. I was so ready to just lay down and crash, but Taehyung grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I jerked my thumb towards Jungkook's room. "To take a shower and pass out."

He shook his head. "Nope. No time for that. I had your dress couried over already. It should be in Kook's room. Put it on and don't touch your hair and makeup."

"Wait. The auction is tonight?"

Taehyung gave me a confused look. "Yeah. Didn't you hear what we were talking about at breakfast? Or did you forget? That's why we did all this."

"I thought we were just shopping today! I'm exhausted. I just want to sleep." The more I thought about it, though, I did remember Namjoon saying something about it the night before. I just didn't want to admit that.

Bulletproof | A BTS Gang AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora