Chapter 25 - Dive

Start from the beginning

"I just have one thing to ask from you though." Tag said still with his hand on my knee, a pleading look on his face.

I nodded to let him continue.

"Don't ever run away like that please."

"Well in the first place she wouldn't have gone if it weren't because of you dickhead!" Rob snatched a small pebble and playfully threw at his older brother.

I shook my head and we burst out laughing.

-------- On cue (Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band) on Repeat.. 😁-----

The night has taken over, and chilly winds have started to pick up. There were three tents set up around the fire. Two for the boys and one for me. We were already settled in our own tents. Sleep not falling on me, I decided to sit up on a rock near our camp.

The chilly air seeps through my clothes. I can bear the cold, I just need to enjoy the surroundings. I leaned back a little, a good angle to look into the night sky. The moon shining brightly, and the stars spread across the velvet sky like glitters. The sound of the crashing water giving more peace and serenity over the night. I closed my eyes and engulf myself in this moment.

I opened my eyes to the sound of fabric rustling until I felt the blanket settle on me. "I thought you were sleeping, this will keep you warm."

"Thanks Gage. What are you doing up?"

"I should ask you the same thing. Mind if I join you?"

"No, of course not. Come here" I said as I tapped the space beside me. "I'm just getting high off the night."

"This place gives you that. That is why I love it here. Once in a while, I get to go here and just be at peace." I grabbed the blanket and threw half of it on him so he can be warm too.

"Thanks for bringing me here." I said as I feel the warmth taking over.

"Well, I told you we'll get here someday." He said as he lifted himself up. "By the way, Nana called when you were gone she wanted to check on us."

"Oh God, I totally forgot how'd they feel about everything."

"Don't worry I did not say anything."

"B-but why?" I asked.

"I guess I knew you'd be back, or I just had my hopes up, too high up." He said looking over by his shoulder with a small smile.

"I didn't even remember you telling me how you found me."

He stiffened a little and took a deep breath as he leaned back beside me. "You came to me in a dream." He adjusted himself so he's facing me. "It was a long day, we were all tired, we were searching for you but then heavy rains poured and we had no choice but to head back in the cabin, we were getting a little drunk out of frustration and worry. That was the time I sent you the last voicemail."

I blinked as I remember that voicemail. The realization that hit me that I was no longer alone. I remember listening to all of them and came to the point that I decided to come back. And I clearly remember it was his voice pushing me to fight.

"After I left you a message I guess I drifted to sleep on the couch and the next thing I remember is opening the door for you. You were there Rach, drenched, shivering, and cold. I held you." He said as he brushed a loose hair away from my face. "And there was a certain scent of the sea. It's like you were drenched in seawater rather than rain, and then you were gone. I knew it was a dream but it hit me, you could be back where you lived. I've been to Newport before and I know the area is surrounded by the ocean. And then we took our chances. And thankfully there you were."

I don't know why but coming to him in his dream is too far-fetched. I guess the universe conspired to have them find me and convinced me to be found all at the same time.

"Thank you." He looked at me confused. "I never got to say how thankful I am having you all. You the most, you listened to me, you were there, you supported me, you straight up asked me about my ring. I guess you never judged me."

He shook his head. "Don't get me wrong Rach. I think I did judge you. That night in the kitchen, I stopped. I knew about your ring then, and I knew in my heart you were engaged, and right there, I think I judged you."

"And all along I thought it was about Emily."

"No, Rach God no. Em has been great, we have been great. After the accident, she stayed a few more days in the hospital. I was driving that day, we were headed back here, from Newport actually, we went to the beach for a little vacation. There was this fast car that hit us, she wasn't wearing her seatbelt so she suffered all the blows. The driver ran and was never identified. There were a lot of complications during surgery. She got out of it but more problems came after. Her body was failing drastically and before she died she had accepted her fate. She told me to move on and be happy with my life. It was hard at first but eventually, time healed it."

"How I wish Paul could have said those to me too before he left."

"Hey." He said throwing an arm around me. "I bet he's up there, looking down at you. So proud at how strong you've become."

"He came to me in my dream the first night I arrived in the cabin. Though it was all chillingly eerie, he said he wanted me to be happy."

A smile crept up Gage's face and fumbled through his jacket pocket. "I've been meaning to give this to you." He brought out a small black box. And handed it to me.

It is a tiny black velvety box wrapped in red thin lace-like ribbon and a cute little bow on top. It's just small as it rests on his palm like a small jewelry box. I took the box from him. I'm not keen on gifts but this is intriguing.

"What is this Gage? Why are you doing this?"

"Stop with the questions Rach and open it."

I did. I pulled the small string of ribbon and untied the teeny bow, unraveling the rest to the sides. I caressed the outer box feeling the velvety material on my skin. I looked at Gage with a smile and he nods pushing me to continue opening it.

I lifted the upper part and in it lays an all too familiar sparkle. The queer edges of it remind me of how it rested on my finger for so long. Tears begin to well in my eyes. I plucked the ring out of the box and with it hangs a thin chain that matches the silvery color of the band.

Gage instantly grabbed the chain and motioned me to turn my back to him. "Gage I don't know what to say."

He laid the chain around my neck as my ring dangles on it. "You don't have to say anything." I looked down and it hangs perfectly just above my neck-line. Tears are now spilling down my cheeks.

"How is this still here?" I asked. I totally forgot what I've done to our box, to the deed, oh God the deed.

He must've realized my shock. "Everything is intact. Rob noticed it before it all turned into ash. I placed it in your closet but the charred wood stinks. So I had it refurbished. Contents are temporarily in a paper box in your room."

I turned around as soon as he locks the chain in place and threw my arms around him. "I can't thank you enough. Rob for one, took a good call to save the box." I pulled away from him wiping away tears. "But this," I said as I held on to my ring which is now a pendant, "this is beyond words can ever say.

"He will always be in your heart Rach like Emily in mine. They kept us alive and strong as we move on. I don't want you to forget about him, you don't have to. Let his love guide you."

Indeed Paul is guiding me. I know it, I feel it. Gage has been there all along, always helping me, despite how distant he was at first, he was always there. With no hesitation, I pulled him to mine slowly. His hands grabbed my face inching his way towards me. I can feel his breath on my tear-damped face. His ocean blue eyes locked onto mine. My eyes fell closed as his lips brushed mine in a soft chaste kiss.

A/N : who's ship is sailing???...

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