Chapter 27 part 1

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Here I am again :D

The last few weeks/months,I was like 'I'm gonna update now...I'm gonna update in a bit,but... I didn't,and I'm REALLY SORRY for that!

I don't know what you will think of it,but I decided that I want to become an actual author,so I started writing a book :D of course not 1D,but like an actual book and I'm really excited to publish it and stuff,so I try to make it as awesome as possible...and that requires some time :S

BUT DON'T WORRY! Of course I will still write this fanfic for you :)



*Two Months Later*

I gasp as I wake up from another nightmare. Ever since that one day,I can't sleep right anymore. There haven't been a day that I didn't have a nightmare. My friends all start to worry about me,since I look so pale -paler than usual- and tired all the time. Louis and Harry always give me these pitiful looks. Zayn tries to talk to me about it,but I always change the topic and say I'm fine.

I slowly stand up and try not to wake Zayn up,but I fail. "Hey babe,come lay with me a bit more" he says,with his oh so sexy morning voice. That is one of the few things,that can actually cheer me up,after another nightmare. "But I stink,I need a shower" I tell him. I really want to cuddle with Zayn right now,but I know that I smell and need a shower. "I don't care,let's take a shower together,later" Zayn mumbles and how can I resist,when a sexy-ass-man is laying naked in your bed and wants to cuddle? Right,you cannot.

So I lay down again and go under the covers with Zayn again. Unlike him I wear boxers,so it's rather comfortable,than sexual. I lay my head on his chest and he immediately starts combing his fingers through my hair,knowing that it calms me down. "Did you have another nightmare again?" Zayn asks carefully. "Yes" I whisper and close my eyes. "Wanna talk about it?" "The same as always. We were married,you came home after a trip,before I could even hug or kiss you,you got hit by a car and died in the hospital." I tell him and do my best not to cry. The thought of Zayn crying literally giving me chest pain. I don't think I could live without Zayn.

"Do you hear me heartbeat?" he asks after a little while. "Yes" I answer. "It is beating for you. As long as it beats,we will be together. And as long as we're together,it will beat. I refuse to die as long as you live. Do you understand? Don't worry about me. I'm right here. You are mine and I am yours,remember? I refuse to let you go. Ever." Zayn tells me with so much love in his voice,it's not possible to not believe his words.

"I love you Zayn... I fell in love with my kidnapper,and now I have nightmares of losing him. I think I'm losing my mind." I chuckle and push myself up by my elbows,so I can look him in the eyes. "You're an asshole,but I love you" I whisper and kiss him. Slowly at first,but as Zayn puts his hand on my neck and deepens the kiss,it gets more heated by the second.

"I love you too asshole" Zayn mumbles against my lips,before he attacks my lips again with his. "We should stop here now. I'm getting excited and I want to take a warm shower" I chuckle as I stand up. "You coming?" I ask,as Zayn doesn't move from his spot. "Oh right,yeah. I just got lost in the beauty that is my boyfriend" he winks at me and stands up. Like I said he's totally naked,but now he is naked and hard.

That will be one heck of a shower...

You are mine (Ziall) // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now