Chapter 12

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After a while Zayn finally broke the silence. "We should get out,the water is getting cold" he says while standing up. I nod and do the same. We dry ourselfs and put our boxers on,since it's suddenly really hot in here.

"How about a movie?" Zayn asks,as we go downstairs. I answer with a short "sure" and follow him to the living room,where he picks a movie. Batman. "I'm getting Popcorn,can you get us a blanket Ni?" he asks and I nod.

I don't understand this boy. First he kidnaps me,then he's really nice and cheeky to me,then he punished me for calling him an idiot. Then he gives me a f*cking handjob! Right afterwards he is in a bad mood out of nowhere and then he snogs me in the bathtub! And now he calls me Ni and wants to cuddle with me,while watching a movie... Something is definately wrong with this kid.

As I come back with the blanket,Zayn already sits on the couch,waiting for me. Did I really took that long? "Can you please hurry up a bit? I want to watch the movie today" Zayn snaps.

What did I say? Now he's in a bad mood again. "Sorry" I say and put the blanket around us.  During the movie Zayn moved around a lot and currently I'm laying on the couch,with Zayn between my legs and head on my chest.

Fast asleep.

After the movie finished,I turn the TV off and put the blanket on top of us. I'm not stupid enough to wake him up again. I know how he is when you wake him up. So I just put my arms around him and fall asleep too.


The next morning I wake up,feeling kisses on my neck and hearing a soft voice talking to me. "Nialler wake up" kiss "Come on Ni,wake up" kiss "I'm getting impaitient" with a kiss on my soft spot,my eyes fly open,as I try not to moan.

"Okay,okay,I'm awake" I say immediately. "Finally" Zayn says,sitting up,so he's stradling my waist. "Today we're going to go swimming and having a picknick afterwards." he announces and goes off of me and to the kitchen,where I guess he's making breakfast. I go upstairs,to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Once I'm finished,I go out of the bathroom.  Just as I'm about to go out of the room,Zayn grabs me and throws me on the bed. "What did I tell you?!" He growls deeply. Anger clear in his eyes. "Wha-what do you me-mean?" I ask totally frightened out.

"You know what I mean" he growls. I try to think of what he could possibly mean,but seeing him like that scares me too much,to think straight.

"Don't. Do. Anything. Without. Asking. Me." he growls one last time,before he takes out two pairs of handcuffs,ready to punish me.

Please help me!


Cliffhanger hihi :P

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