Chapter 8

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I wake up to a weight on me and a voice whispering in my ear "Wake up Princess,breakfast is ready". I groan loudly,making Zayn chuckle.

"Get off of me" I say,trying to push him away. "Only of you get up now" he whispers again trying to sound seductive. "Okay,just get off of me,you're squishing my lungs" I tell him with a roll of my eyes.

He laughs,but thankfully gets off me. I get up too and follow Zayn downstairs. I can already smell the pancakes and my mood immediately increases. "Yay pancakes!" I yell and sit down on a stool at the table.

"Hurry up,princess. I can't wait for my show" Zayn winks at me,making me choke on my pancakes. I totally forgot about it! "Uh,Zayn? Do I really have to do it? I mean I'm a boy and it's not really manly.... And you could hire a professional dancer anyway. They can do it a lot better than me!" I try.

Zayn only laughs. "I don't want a professional girl. I'm gay,if you haven't figured yet. And I want you" Zayn tells me with another wink.

Okay...he definately scares me.

I finish my pancakes up,without another word. Once Zayn is finished too,he literally drags me to the cellar. He gives me one of those dancing-suit things,that I have to wear for pole-dancing and I put it on.

I hate dancing with a passion!

Zayn then brought me to another room,where a big couch and of course a pole was,in the middle of the room. Taking a deep breath,I try to calm myself. If I get angry now,it will end up bad for me,so I better obey.

Zayn sits down on the couch and gestures me to start dancing. With another deep breath,I repeat everything I learned yesterday. Everything I should avoid,and how to use my body properly.

After good twenty minutes,I'm full of sweat and I can barely hold myself up anymore. I look at Zayn and he seems to enjoy it very much. One look at the huge bulge in his pants says everything.

"You can stop now" Zayn says,with a smirk. "Thank God" I breath out.

"Now give me a lap dance".


"You have to be kidding me!" I yell at him,making him glare at me. "No,I'm totally serious. Do it. Now. Or I have to punish you" he says with a stern voice.

I groan loudly,before making my way up to him. I sit on his lap,looking in his eyes. "I've never done it before,so you can't punish me if it isn't good" I tell him. "Just do it" he tells me and I obey.

After a minute or so of me moving my hips ramdomly against his crotch,he's a moaning mess under me. "Niall!" He yells and I know he's finished.

I get off of his lap and about to go upstairs;to take a shower and change into normal clothes... If I have enough energy to do so.

"Where do you think you're going?" he growls. "Upstairs... Taking a shower" I inform him,making him shake his head. "You're staying here with me,till I tell you to do somwthing else. Now come here" he orders and I sit/lay down next to him.

"We're both exhausted. Now let's take a nap." Zayn says and I nod,not able to resist a nap right now.


A.N. I didn't edit it cause I'm on my phone,so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes :/

You are mine (Ziall) // boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now