Chapter 15

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After our 'Moment' we started watching the Disney movies,we planned to watch. First Bambi,then Peter Pan and last but not least Frozen. Since we ate sweets all the time,we're too much in a sugar rush,to sit still and watch another movie,so we turned the TV off and Zayn immediately jumped on me,stradling my hips. "What are you doing?" I laugh,feeling all giddy now. "There is this legend... That says that... Once there was a monster... He used to attack people when they had their guards down... But one day he got caught and put to jail..." he tells me in a supposed to be creepy voice.

"But he escaped... Do you want to know what his name was?" totally caught up in the moment,I nodded immediately. "His name was... TICKLEMONSTER!" he yells and attacks my sides,tickling me.

"Sto-hahahaha Please hahahahaha Stop! Hahahaha!" I laugh as I try to get him to stop,but to no use. He keeps tickling me,'till I can't get any air any more. Litterally. "Za-Zayn pl-pl-please! Ca-can't g-get a-a-air!" I try to get out. Only when my eyes get teary,he realizes that I'm serious and he stops immediately.

"Niall,are you okay? Take deep breaths. In and Out. Deep breaths." Zayn orders and I try to follow his breathing,by watching his chest rising and falling. After a while,I finally calm my breathing down. "I'm really sorry,I didn't knew you were serious,Gosh I'm so sorry!" Zayn apologizes and I can see in his eyes that he actually means it.

"No,it's okay,you didn't knew. And even though my asthma is gone,I still get little attack sometimes,so it's not entirely your fault" I tell him with a reasuring smile. Zayn sighs and lets himself fall on top of me,hugging me tightly. I hug him back,and for a while we just lay there and enjoy the silence. "I wouldn't be able to live without you. And knowing that you died because of me,would make everything worse." Zayn whispers after a while. I smile at him "But I'm alive and you don't need to worry about that now. I'm here for you now and you're not getting rid of me that easily" I chuckle,making him laugh too."Good"

With a kiss on my neck,he lays his head back on my chest. "It's nice to listen to your heartbeat. It makes me so calm and so I know that you're alive. Here,with me." Zayn speaks up again after a while.

Zayn is a totally different person right now. I don't know what's gotten into him,but I like this side of him. A lot.

I can't hold myself back any longer,so I listen to my heart and go through his hair with my hand,feeling its softness. I go through it a few more times,because of its amazing softness and after a while I can't stop and I end up stroking his hair the whole time we're laying here.

"You know" Zayn starts again. "I love being like this. Laying all cuddly and lovely on the couch with you. I hate myself for hurting you,and it breaks my heart seeing you in pain,but if I learned something from my dad,then it is,that you have to punish people for their mistakes,so they won't do it again. And I'm really sorry for kidnapping you too,because,well it's not nice" he chuckles.

"Then why'd you do it? You could've just talk to me and ask me out or something" I ask him. He sighs deeply,before answering. "Wouldn't it be weird if a boy asks a straight boy out? And since I wouldn't be able to turn you gay,just by asking you out,I thought I had to force myself into your heart" he chuckles dryly.

"You never asked if I'm straight or gay" I tell him,while I try not to grin like a fool. "Oh come on,no way in hell are you gay!" he exclaims. "Oh really? How so?" I ask amused. "Just because. You just aren't the gay type" he shrugs.

"Oh,so I have to act like the typical gay boy,you see in movies,to be actually gay?" I snap at him. "No I didn't say that! I-I ju- wait. Are you trying to tell me something?" Zayns eyes widen,in realization. He sits up again and looks at me in utter shock.

I only grin and wink at him. "You're gay! You are freaking gay!! G.A.Y!!! I can't believe it!" he exclaims,making me laugh. The whole time we're here,he tried to turn a gay boy gay. Such a fool!

Once he's done ranting and facepalming,he stops and looks at me. Then he slowly puts his hands on my cheeks and leans forward. My mind is blank out of a sudden,so I don't know what to do. He leans even further,untill his lips hower above mine,just about to touch.

"Can I?" he whispers on my lips and to my surprise I whisper back



Ohhh! They are going to kiss!!! I can't remember ever writing a kiss szene and I have no experience with kisses (like the real-deal) so I hope it won't be too bad :S

Thanks for the nice comments on the last Chapter!!! I appreciate every single one and I'm happy to hear your oppinions on this story/book whatever it is :P

See ya next Chapter!

You are mine (Ziall) // boyxboyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu