Chapter 32

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My last update was a month ago..? oops? Sorry guys! I have this important school project thing going on >.< ugh! whatever,I'm gonna write on now... Oh and I'm thinking about writing a werewolf story :o(I'm totally into werewolves rn) what do you guys think? And should it be fanfic or just a story??? Please tell me what you think!!!

Love you guuuuyss :D

p.s. where the hell is the spell-check-button-thingy?!?!?! :'(


After everyone ate breakfast,the two families sat on the couch together and started talking about the wedding. "So first of all we need to discuss the most important thing. Is it going to be a muslim or christian wedding?" Zayn begins anxiously; not knowing what their moms will say. Niall immediately takes Zayns hand to stop himself from biting his nails off again. He wants to have neat looking fingernails,not some chewed on tiny ones. "I thought about that too,but how about we do the ceremony twice,so your dads will be okay with it and ther rest will be just like yuo want it to be." Trish immediately answers. Mauras face lights up "I didn't thought of that,I totally agree". Zayn and Niall are both relieved and Zayn kisses Nialls hand,to make him calm down.

After a good three hours of talking the perfect wedding was planned and all they had to do was to order/buy/rent everything. Maura and Trish wanted to create the invitation and sent it to their famiies and friends.


The next week,was all about planning and organizing. While Zayn was busy with the wedding,Niall still needed the perfect suit. It was harder than he thought. He wanted matching ones and Zayn told Niall to choose them,so Niall was frightened to say the least... He didn't want to disappoint Zayn and was anxious 24/7. He went out with Louis and Harry to look for suits,whenever they had time. And the other days he went out with Maura and Trish.

The week before the wedding,Niall went to the last shop he knew. With as good as no hope whatsoever,he dragged himself inside. The last week he woke up in the morning,went looking for the suits ,barely ate,barely talked to Zayn and barely slept. He was a wreck. Zayn tried to talk to him,but Niall always pushed him away. Both of them were stressed out.

When Niall entered the shop,all he saw were suits. Boring suits. He sighed,but went in and along the corridor. It was a big shop with any kind of suits. Just as he was about to turn around and leave again,he saw it. It was love at first sight. He knew immediately,that Zayn would love it too,and so he ran to it,before anyone else could lay a hand on it. He hugged the suit and sighed in relief. He finally found it. In a heartbeat he chose the right size and went to the changing rooms. While he was changing he heard a voice from outside of the curtain. Oh yeah,he was there with Harry. "Did you find one Niall?" he asked cautiously. Niall was a little sensitive in the last week and cried all the time,so Harry didn't want to set him off again. Meanwhile Niall was looking at himself and smiled from ear to ear. "Yes" he whispered.

When Niall came home after buying himself and Zayn the perfect suit,he immediately went looking for Zayn. Once he found him,his heart broke in thousand pieces. Zayn was crying and hugging Nialls pillow to his chest. Zayn barely ever cries. "Zaynie what is wrong?" Niall asks and rushes to Zayns side. "Are-are you... Cheating on me?" Zayn asks. His voice is dripping with sadness and disappointment. "What?! Why would you think that baby,no! I love you,you are my one and only! I swear,I wouldn't think of it!" Niall immediately assures him. "Why would you ask that?" he asks. "I...I read that... Men who are about to get married and are stressed a lot usually tend to cheat on their partner. Wheather they regret it or not." Zayn whispers.

Niall lets out a small laugh "That may be true,but that is usually for straight couples Zaynie. I don't want to brag,but I'm a proud gay man and I love the man I am about to marry." Niall grins. He puts Zayns legs down from his chest and sits on his lap. "And you know what?" he whispers in Zayns ear. "I found the perfect suit today." "What? Really?" Zayn asks,as if all of his worries vanished into thin air. Niall nods and takes Zayns face in his hands. "I'm in love with you Zaynie,don't ever forget that. And I will be for the rest of our lifes. I would tell you how much I love you right now,but then I wouldn't have anything to say on our wedding" Niall smiles lovingly. "I'm in love with you too" Zayn smiles and starts kissing Niall passionately. In that moment they realize they haven't kissed in a week and they never want to do that again.

Just as things were starting to getting heated and both of them were shirtless,there was a knock on the door and two gigling woman standing there watching. "We really love to see how much you two love each other,but please wait till after the wedding,when we are gone and you are on your honeymoon" Maura said "And dinner is ready anyway" Trisha said. With a last wink,they both went out of the boys room.

"You dont know how good honeymoon sounds rightnow" Niall laughed. "Oh I can imagine" Zayn winks at Niall as he looks lustfully down the blonde's body. "You little pervert,I knew you only liked me because of my body!" Niall laughed again and got off of Zayn. "Come on let's eat" Niall shakes his head and stretched his hand out,for Zayn to take. Zayn gladly takes it and they go downstairs together.


wassup their wedding is sooooonnn :D ;)

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