Chapter 54

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"What are you doing here?" I trembled, terrified by the huge man in my kitchen,

"I've come to see your house, Jessica, and I must say, it's a mighty fine one too"

"I'd love to give you a tour one day, but as you might appreciate I have a lot to do, it's been a difficult few days" I fumbled backwards down the hallway as he progressed further into my house, "So I'd like you to leave"

"We have things to discuss Miss Cornish" he continued, making his way into my living room and setting himself down into the large armchair in the corner.

"Please-" I stopped, realising that didn't actually know his name,

"Paul" he smiled at me,

"Paul. Please, I have a lot to get on with and I haven't got time to chat, I'll get Kayla to call you when she gets back but I-" I stumbled over my words pathetically. I knew full well what this man may be capable of, he had no heart, no conscious, no limits. I didn't know what he wanted but he'd broken into my house, as you can probably tell, I didn't really wanted know what it was.

"You'll do. You're the person I should really be speaking to, Kayla hasn't got the bottle to do anything really, but I suppose you do" He rambled on, cross his hands over his beer belly and making himself comfortable.

"I don't understand" I stuttered,

"Please sit down Miss Cornish, you're making me very uncomfortable," I didn't as I was told and he paused for a moment before carrying on, "Are you going to the Police about the little, how should I put this, problem, we had the other day?"

I scoffed at him, "Problem?! You burnt their fucking house down and killed your youngest daughter, I think that's more than a little problem don't you?"

Paul cackled at me, he stomach bobbed along with him, "Your language, Miss Cornish, is appalling. Can I guess the answer to my question or are you going to be an adult and-"

"Me? Be an adult? Of course I'm going to the police you sadistic twat, you killed my girlfriend's sister, you deserve you rot in jail"

"Hmm, you see I was afraid of that. I had hoped that you'd have Kayla's understanding of the way our relationship worked. She was terrified of me, so none of the horrible stuff that had to happen over the past few years has come out to anyone other than, well you. I was hoping that we could come to a similar understanding"

I was marvelled by the mans dialouge. His chose of words, the structure of his syntax and the way he stressed his syllables made his little speech mesmerising. It shouldn't do because he was threatening me, but I felt sad for the lonely old man. Seeing him sober for once in his sorry life gave me an idea of what his life could have been like. What it was like before his wife died.

"What makes you think I could ever be terrified of you, you're nothing but a sad, pathetic, washed up, old Alcoholic who has sucked all the happiness out of his life. And out of the lives around him. I'm not scared of you, and I'm not going to keep quiet anymore," I stood up and pushed my shoulders back, trying to make my body mimic the
braveness of my words, "We're going to the police."

Paul sat still for a minute, his eyes fixed tightly on mine. The silence was deafening and it did nothing for my heart rate. The blood pumped rapidly through my veins as my heart beat as quickly as a Hummingbird flaps it's wings and I was struggling to breathe. My skin was hot to touch and I could feel my neck and cheeks flushing pink. Paul smirked at me, knowing full well that I was fucking petrified by him.

"I didn't want it to have to come to this, Miss Cornish, but I'm going to have to find away to shut you up" He snarled, rising quickly from the sofa making his way towards my, I walked backwards unsteadily out of the living room until my back hit the wall in the hallway.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked, my voice small, he laughed coarsely but said nothing, reaching his hand out and trailing his fingers down my arm. My stomach fluttered sickly and bile rose high up into my throat. He bought his finger up to my chin and guided my mouth to his. Shock overtook my system and I couldn't move, my head screamed at me to stop and the tears that sank down my cheeks made the kiss wet. It was only when his tongue met mine that my brain could register what was going on. I bought my arms up and shoved at his chest to push him away but he was too heavy. He bit roughly down on my bottom lip and I could taste the blood in my mouth. I shrieked internally and bought my knee roughly into his groin. He groaned loudly and took a few heavy stepped backwards hunched over, "Fucking lesbians" he growled and he launched himself at me, grabbing my little pony tail he swung me into the banister. I whacked my head against the corner of it and white spots clouded my vision as the pain travelled across my forehead and down my nose. I yelped at the impact but I didn't scramble fast enough away from him. He clutched into my dressing gown hoodie and pulled me back into his legs. I wept on his ankles and shook all over.

"Please," I begged but he didn't listen, the ball of his foot connected with my stomach pushing huge moan escape from my lips.

"Get up the fucking stairs you dyke" he spat,

"What are you?-"

"Just get up the fucking stairs" he yelled, his breath hot on my face.

I scrambled up the stairs and curled into a ball in the door way. He pushed passed me and walked into bedroom, smiling as he did.

"It's a lovely place you've got here, Jessica, it's such a shame that it's had to come to this"

"What are you going to do?" I mumbled ,

"I'm going to shut you up, like I said," He looked from my bed to me back to the bed again, "It's a solid bed you've got here, Miss Cornish, it's a shame that it's never been used properly. It's needs a man's touch" he snarled, advance towards me again.

I screamed and lashed my arms about but all my efforts to keep him off of my failed. His fist found my cheek and it knocked me to the floor, my eyes were wet as his fingers fumbled at the draw string of my dressing gown and it quickly found it's way onto my landing floor. Paul's eyes travelled all over my body and he licked his lips before gliding his fingers down my naked body. His muttered something to himself and shook his head, biting his lip hungrily. I tried to escape from his again but his knee pressed roughly onto my sensitive stop and I gasped in pain.

"I always knew you were a fucking slut, Jessica. A perfect match for my bitch of a daughter" He laughed. With one hand wrapped around my wrist and the other around an ankle, he dragged me into my bedroom and flung me onto my bed. His elbow came down on my stomach and my whole body rose up as I felt the impact. From the corner of the room I could here the sound of a belt buckle being uncome, the sound of flies coming down and the sound of his grunt as his hand found his jewels, preparing him for his final act of torture.

I wish I could tell you that I fought against him, that I got him when his pants were down, when he was at his most vulnerable. But I didn't. I couldn't. I lay there as he violated me, in every sense of the word. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. It was like I wasn't alive anymore. He killed me, or at least a part of me and I just let him. It didn't even hurt, I couldn't feel it after a while. I didn't feel anything.

I didn't hear him leave, there was just white noise in my head and it wouldn't go away. I just lay there for hours. Feeling dirty and ashamed I lay naked on top of my sheets until Kayla came home. She screamed at me when she saw me, because she knew what had happened. But I didn't hear her either, really. And I couldn't reply, to her, it was like I didn't exist anymore.

He'd succeeded. He'd shut me up. He'd won.

I was finished.

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