Chapter 46

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I woke up to Jessie's warm breath tickling my neck. Her lips were set in an 'O' and her eyelids fluttered as she slept. I snuggled into her more and kissed her gently on the lips. She stirred and her eyes flickered open. She smiled sleepily at me and stretched out like cat before wrapping me in a tight embrace. I laughed loudly as she rolled us over so she was straddling me.

"I missed waking up to you, Kid" she said, her voice still thick with sleep but a broad smile painted across her face.

"I've miss it too," I replied kissing her for the hundredth time in the past 24 hours. I was savouring every moment because I didn't know when it would end again.

"Breakfast?" She asked, hopping off the bed and wrapping herself in a dressing gown. I nodded and we made our way down to the kitchen, me wearing the pyjama shorts set I'd bought to originally sleep in. Not that Jess and I ever end up wearing pyjamas when we sleep....

"Pancakes?" Jessie asked, pulling the various ingredients out of the cupboards. My stomach growled but my head told me that I wasn't hungry, I nodded nonetheless and the internal argument started. As Jessie began flipping the pancakes in the pan, darting around the kitchen trying to catch them, my alarm rang on my phone telling me it was time to take my tablets. I dug through my handbag and found the bottle of the pink horse pills and swallowed two of them quickly.

"Eww" Jessie whined, "how can you take them without water?!"

I laughed and dropped the bottle back into my bag, "it's my party trick. My mum could do 13" I mused,

"Witchcraft" Jessie whispered, tipping a pancake onto a plate, "do what you want with it, I can't watch" she fake cried,

"You know what" I started, setting my plate down on the table, "I might try and Jessie pancake"

Jessie laughed and tipped her own pancake onto her plate, "Really? I thought you said it was disgusting"

"No, if I remember correctly you said my pancakes were disgusting, I never got to try yours" I smirked, slicing the banana Jessie had handed me into small pieces. I sprinkled cinnamon onto the row of fruit that was arranged neatly in the centre of the pancake and rolled it up. Jessie watched intently as I took my first bite. Maybe I had turned my nose up at it before because it was disgusting but the numbers that swirled around in my head made it seem much more appetizing.

"What you doing today?" Jessie asked, sliding her own pancake onto her plate.

I sighed heavily and pushed the small pancake pieces around my plate, "I need to go look for a job really," I cut one of pieces into half again and forced my jaw to chew on the food,

"Have you considered going back to Uni?" Jessie asked,

I shook my head roughly, "I can't go back, it's too much pressure. I just need to start earning. Some of us aren't made of money, you know, are you aware that some people actually have to work in offices" I winked at her, the sarcasm dripping from my mouth

Jessie rolled her eyes, "Are you finished?" I smirked and bitterly swallowed another mouthful, "do you want to stay at mine tonight as well? I've got promo 12 until 9ish?"

"I need to be at home tonight, I can't leave Maisy alone again," Jessie sank a little in her seat, "you can stay at mine?"

"What about your dad?"

"He works nights now," I smiled at her, I pushed myself up from the table and scraped the rest of my pancake into the bin, trying my best to ignore the pain in my stomach and the stares from Jessie as I did.

"Why aren't you eating that?" Jessie asked quickly, 

"I'm not hungry," I lied, 

"You didn't eat much last night either, is something going on?" She quizzed, 

"Jess, calm it!" I laughed, "I think I've got a cold coming, I always lose my appetite when I'm ill" I lied,

Jessie screwed her face up and threw both our plates into the dishwasher, "you better not kiss me then and give me anything," 

I stepped seductivley closer to her and ran my hands slowly down her back. She shivered. I brought my lips painfully closer to hers stared into her emerald eyes. 

"I'm not allowed to kiss you?" I breathed, my breath no doubt sliding down Jessie's back, "So I'm not allowed to do this...?" I traced Jessie's jaw line with my tongue and nibbled gently on her neck. Jessie moaned lightly and her gripped onto my t shirt as my lips found hers hungrily. The kiss was sweet at first but the fire soon took over and Jessie's top was creeping higher and higher up her chest. She broke off the kiss by turning her head to look at the clock behind her. 

"We have half an hour." She whispered huskily, grabbing my hand roughly and dragging a very horny Kayla up the starts behind her. 


I handed out CVs everywhere, in every shop, cafe and restaurant I could find before giving up and finding myself slumping into an armchair at Costa Coffee in the centre of town. I knew that I needed to get my arse into gear and start bringing at least the minimum wage into our household, with Maisy getting older and my dad beginning to slip down the familiar slope that my sister and I had seen too many times before I knew that the money he was earning would be cut off very abruptly, very soon.

Not that we saw a lot of it anyway. It gets swallowed up by an angry, bitter old man before it even reaches the front door.

I'd spent the majority of the inheritance money my mum had left me on keeping my dysfunctional family afloat but I didn't feel comfortable dipping into Maisy's because it's the only part of her mother she had left. If my Grams or the social became aware of our situation then Maisy would be taken away from me. Seeing as Grams is her legal guaridan, the law would see no reason why Maisy shouldn't go live with her, for financial and emotional security but I was far too selfish to let Maisy go, I'd lost too many people in my lifetime. I wasn't about to lose another, I had to find a job. 

My tummy rumbled embarrasingly loudly but I ignored it and began sipping on my green tea smoothie slowly, the cool liquid settling my stomach for a while. The time on my phone read 2pm which meant that it was too late for lunch, but if I ate now I wouldn't be hungry for dinner. Dilema, 'ey. 

My phone rang loudly and I answered it quickly, the noise making my head buzz. I could hear the rustling of papers in the background. 

"Hello, My name is Mrs Jones, I'm calling from Chislehurst Grammar, am I speaking to Kayla Johnson?"

"Yes, Hi, speaking, is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything's fine. We are a little concerned about Maisy though and we were wondering if you'd be able to come and collect her as soon as possible." 

I scrambled to get my bag and bustled noisly out of the cafe, "Of course, I'm on my way, what's happened?"

"We're not too sure, she's been very withdrawn and weepy all day, she's been in with me for the past hour but she doesn't seem to want to tell us what's wrong. I just think she needs, I'm not sure, I think she just needs some rest," 

"Ok, well please let her know that I'll be 15 minutes, thank you" The nice lady ended the call and I drove like a mad man to the school, blinking heavily as yellow spots began to cloud my vision.

My mum could actually take 13 tablets without water because she was weird & my record is 4 before I choke to death 

Rosie, Jessica and George all know the ending to Climax + I think I killed them oops

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