Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning with a big grin on my face, I rolled on my side to look at Jessie who was still sleeping soundly. She looked so angelic when she slept and had her lips pursed slightly, her breathing light. I lay there for a few moments, watching her sleep. I wondered what she was dreaming about, whether she was dreaming about anything and realized how lucky I was that this beautiful woman loved me.

 "I'm feeling really violated." She said suddenly, her eyes still closed.

 I jumped out of my skin and buried myself in the pillow. Jessie's lips touched my cheek.

 "Morning lover" she mumbled in my ear, her voice husky.

 She licked my earlobe and started sucking on my neck roughly. I groaned and my eyes rolled back in my head. Jessie pulled her head up and kissed my neck.

 "Perfect," she purred, her fingers trailing up and down my sides. I nestled myself into Jessie's chest and she wrapped her arms round me.

 "Have you branded me Jessica?"

 "Maybe..." She said, I could hear the smile on her lips.

 We lay there for what seemed like hours listening to each other’s heartbeats. Jessie's fingers ran idly through my blonde hair. I felt my wrists under the covers, running my hands up and down the grooves in the skin, for the first time in a long time I was happy and didn't feel empty.

 "What you thinking about baby?"

 I blushed and Jessie lifted my chin up to look at her.

 "Tell me, you look far away."

 "I was just... Thinking about how much I love you."

 Jessie grinned, "I love you too babe," she trailed her fingers down to my thighs, "Now round one was hot but I think it's only fair I take care of my beautiful girl, huh? What do you think? Time for round two?" She said, straddling me.

 She kissed down my already naked body and blew lightly on my core. I crumbled inside and bucked my hips.

 "Mmm baby, you smell so fucking good" Jessie moaned.

Round 2 was on.


 Why was I doing this? Why didn't I just say no? Why CAN'T I say no to Jessie? So Harriet was going to be here in less than 15 minutes and I was sat on the bed panicking like an idiot. Jessie had been slaving away all morning cooking and cleaning and the whole house smelled amazing. I offered to help again and again but after a while I felt like I was getting in her way so I came upstairs. I lay down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. So many questions span round in my head- why was Jessie doing this? It was all so random. Just randomly out of the blue she invites my best friend round? Okay, I was definitely over thinking things way too much. Harriet was my like my sister, she'd understand why I lied to her. Well it's not really lying, I just didn't tell her. That's not lying is it?

 "Babe are you okay?" Jessie's voice made me jump slightly.

 "Just thinking"

"No, you're worrying. Come here"

  I got off the bed and walked over to Jessie, she pulled me into an embrace and kissed my hair.

 "Stop panicking baby girl, it's going to be fine."

"Will it though?"

 "Why are you scared? Is it that you don't want her to meet me?"

 I sighed heavily, "Honestly?

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