Chapter 18

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"Babe are you awake?" Jessie whispered in my ear. I moaned quietly and rolled over to face her.

"Ergh you bitch." I fake groaned,

Jessie giggled and pressed her lips to mine, I grabbed the back of her head and pulled her closer to me. The simple kiss because more passionate, our tongues dancing. Jessie rolled us over and slung her leg over me hips, straddling me. She ran her hand up my leg but stopped at my belly, a routine which she didn't question now.

I'd started ignoring my dad again like we did before, barely acknowledging each others existance and as predicted he had no recollection of what happened that night. It was a common part of my dysfunctional relationship with my father, we'd argue and he'd hurt me but the next day he'd begrudgingly apologise for something he couldn't remember doing. My cuts were healing slowly and were now a pinkish colour rather than a blood red. Which is always good.

She pulled her lips away from mine and smiled cheekily.

"Are you awake now?" She smirked, her eyes dancing.

"Wide awake!" I grinned, " what was that for?" I asked. Jessie sighed and got off of me. She stayed silent.

"Baby, tell me."

"Crown called this morning, Kay." She muttered, pulling at her dressing gown sleeves. "They want me to do some final bits and promo stuff for the album. In New York... I leave tomorrow"

"What!? New York? But Jess, it's only been 3 weeks since you flew off last time for god's sake!" I whined,

"I know babe, but I've got to get this stuff sorted. For the fans."

I sighed, "the fans come first, I know, I'm reminded of that every single day"

I jumped off the bed and walked into her en suite, expecting her to follow me. She did.

"You're upset." She stated.

"I'm fine," I said dismissively, this was the 2nd time she'd flown off unexpectedly in the 4 months we'd been dating, it's not even like it's spain... It's fucking America!

"Don't be like that, Kayla!"

"Like what? I never get to see you Jess! It's not fair, we're suppose to be together for fucks sake, Jesus I mean Claude sees more of you than I do! " I half yelled, turning to face the sink, "I mean I get how important your career is to you and you can't pick and chose when you work but this weekend was the first time I've seen you in 2 weeks Jess!" We stood in silence for a few moments and when I turned round, Jessie had gone.

I brushed my teeth and splashed cold water on my face. My eyes began to fill with tears. I knew Jess' career was everything to her, music was her passion and her fans always, always came first. Her heartbeats were the ones who kept her dream alive, of course I knew that. But was it such a big ask to just spend 3 days with her, just us two? Yeah, apparently it was. I left the tap running as a tear after tear escaped from my eyes, Jess couldn't hear me crying. This isn't her fault. I'm just being selfish and paranoid. I know how busy she would be all the time when we first started our relationship. I mean she's Jessie J, not just my Jess and I hated that I couldn't spend all my time with her. I wiped my eyes, took a few deep breaths and walked back into the bedroom. The bed had been made and folded up on the pillow was a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and read Jessie's elegant script.

"Be ready in 15 minutes, Kayla :)" it read. I smiled at her childish guessing game and pulled an outfit out. 10 minutes later, dressed in a short flowery skirt and vest top, I pulled my hair up into a side fishtail. Sitting cross- legged on the floor and slapped some foundation and mascara on and pack my handbag with all the essentials. It was 12 o'clock now and it was quite hot, well for London anyway.

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