Chapter 37

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I turned the key and swung Jessie's door open timidly even though I knew she wasn't in there. All the lights were off and the house felt empty, all the comfort and happiness that was once tied down to this house had been replaced by regret and a morbid anticipation of Jessie's return. It no longer felt like home. I smacked all the switches as I went past them illuminating the house, I'd missed the comfort of artificial lighting, and made for Jessie's bedroom. I rummaged her draw of chargers and wires and found a charger to fit my phone. I plugged it in and immediately hundreds of messages came rushing through. Panicked ones from Harriet, missed calls from Holly, Katie and even Alisha. I didn't dare open the messages from Jessie. I quickly typed a message on group chat announcing my save return back for Prison. Official naming myself the "badass bitch lesbian" of the group, the joke made the others laugh but it didn't do anything for me.

I felt dirty as I stood in front of the mirror and it was then I let the tears fall. I looked horrible. My fake eyelashes had long since gone and the rest of my eye makeup was smudged across my face, some even reaching down to my cheek. My lip was split and the blood had crusted over, leaving it swollen and sore. My hair was a mess, resembling more of a birds nest than anything else and my dress was ripped down the side. I ran my fingers down my cheek, tracing the sad, purple bruise that had formed along the bone.

The water from the shower burnt my skin but I didn't care. I wanted to feel some other sort of pain rather the pain I felt inside. It took me about 4 lots of shower gel for the water to run clean and I'd used half of Jessie's conditioner for me to be able to run my fingers through my hair. But I still felt dirty. Sat in front of the mirror I smothered my face in foundation to try and cover the bruising and after drying my hair I let it fall freely over my shoulders to take some of the attention off of my face. I dressed in leggings and a baggy top which I'd left here before New York and made my way downstairs, mentally preparing myself for the wrath of Jessie.

The clock in the kitchen read 5:10pm. I'd been in just over an hour meaning I'd been in the cell for about 15 hours. It didn't seem like such a long time now in the grand scheme of things but to me, it had felt like an age.

The thing about Jessie, she was a nervous cleaning like I was so there was nothing for me to rather other than wipe over the already pristine work surfaces in the kitchen. There wasn't. even any rubbish for me to take out. Again, there was nothing for me to do to occupy my angry thoughts- apart from eat I guess. I was starving, but I wasn't hungry if that makes any sense to you.

At exactly 6 o'clock I heard the front door go and Jessie's footsteps in the hallway. I gripped onto the work surface behind me and gulped loudly.

Here goes nothing.


A/n- lovin the cliff hangers me Hahhahahaha sorry


Lol sorry I died a little but on a serious note I'm holiday now so updates will be v v v v v slow ly all


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