Chapter 49

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"I'm not going to the police Jessie," I sighed for the hundredth time, "I don't want to have to go through everything with them"

"But he's hurting you, and Maisy" She pleaded as I shoved clothes roughly into a bag. I wasn't looking at what Jessie was doing but I could guess; Jessie hated a messy packer.

"You seriously don't think this is going to work do you?" Jessie scoffed, "he's not just going to let you leave!"

I whipped round to face her, the deep circles under her eyes broke my heart, "You know what Jess, I really don't think he's going to care. He never really pays much attention to us anyway, he doesn't usually notice that we're even here."

"But when he does he beats you senseless" She muttered, just loud enough for me to hear. I ignored it though, I was far too tired to fight. 

I tore clothes from my wardrobe and threw them onto my bed. Jessie picked them up and folded them neatly into the various suitcases we had lined up on the floor. Once my wardrobe was bare and empty and I could see the doorway to Narnia, I started on my chest of drawers. It's strange how many memories can be stirred up by fucking underwear. The one's I wore when I first had sex with Jessie, the ones she bought me when we went shopping at midnight because she couldn't go any other time in case she got spotted, pairs of Jessie's bed socks that I'd borrowed and never given back because they were so damn comfy. They all fitted nicely in my drawer and it dawned on my how fast everything was moving. I couldn't do this. 

"Jessie I can't do this," I crumpled, "I'm not brave enough" 

"No, shh" Jessie cooed, hugging me from behind, "We're going to do this, you don't have to be afraid anymore. It's going to be ok now baby, I won't let him hurt you again," She promised. She guided my down onto the floor and I shook violently in her arms. I had to admire her patience, I was so pathetically weak. 

Jessie's phone rang a little while later so I was left to tip the last remaining things in the bags before we piled it all into Jessie's car and drove off into the sunset. Well not really, but hey. I was sat on my bed fiddling with an old cuddly toy that I'd found buried in the back of my cupboard when I felt the bed dip behind me. I caught sight of Maisy's blonde locks and I pulled her roughly into me, her warmth comforting to me. 

"Maisy I'm so, so sorry" I whispered, I felt her nod against my chest,"I love you so much, I'm never going to let anything bad happen to you again. We're going to get out of here and be happy, ok? No more pain, no more tears, just me and you yeah?"

"And Jessie?" Maisy sniffed, 

"And Jessie. We're going to be alright my beautiful baby girl, I'm going to take care of you" 

I held her in my arms as the long arm on the clock ticked painfully slowly round. Jessie appeared in the doorway and smiled sadly at the sight of us cuddled up on my bed. There was something different about her though, she suddenly looked nervous. 

"Kayla, I have to go," Jessie muttered, 

It was Maisy who spoke first, pulling herself out of my arms, "What? Why? Jessie you can't..."

"It's only for a couple of hours, I have a last minute radio interview at Capital, I think I'm number one" She smiled and my heart shattered. Of course she was number one, Bang Bang was destined for British success after the noise it made over in the US. But she wasn't happy about it at all, she wanted to stay and take care of our mess rather than celebrating her dream. I was such a shit girlfriend, "I can stay if you want, just do a phone one?" She suggested, 

My heart longed for the latter because I really did need her but she had to at least be allowed to celebrate her victory. And we would all celebrate properly once we were out of the goddamned house. That would be our victory.

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