Chapter 9

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"So you and Jessie are cute," Harriet practically cooed at me during college on Monday afternoon.

I'd had a half day so Jessie dropped me home in the morning so I could grab my stuff. I gave her a long lingering kiss at my door and promised i'd see her late to take her to the airport.

"No babe it's fine Cez will just get a car to pick me up"

"But I want to," I had argued,

"I'll have loads of bags and stuff they won't fit in your clio"

"Are you doubting Betty's superpowers?" I mocked,

"It's just that I need to travel up with security and stuff I-"

I stopped her mouth with a kiss, "Why won't you let me drive you? The real reason"

She was quiet for a moment, "it will be harder to say goodbye" she whispered,

I giggled to myself and felt a blush creep up my cheeks.

"Yeah she makes me really happy," I mumbled smugly, concentrating on my canvas so Harriet couldn't see my burning cheeks.

"I can't believe she only told you about tonight yesterday, I mean no offence but it's-"

"Harriet! She was just worried about telling me that's all. You've met her, she's not exactly a malicious person is she" I snapped, rolling my eyes.

Harriet laughed, "Alright K, you can put your claws away now"

"Sorry... I'm just going to miss her. She's disappearing already and I've only just got her."

Harried scooted her chair over to me and rested her head on my shoulder, "You're a silly billy sometimes Kayla. She's not disappearing, she just going away for a bit. 2 weeks isn't that long and you can Skype her whenever. Stop worrying about it, the 2 weeks will go by so quickly she'll be back before you know it"

I lent my head on hers, "when did you get so wise?" I pondered,

Harriet laughed, "I think they must put something in the water here"

I was lent against my car watching Jessie struggle down the steps from her front door with her with suitcases, trying my best not to laugh, but failing miserably at it.

Jessie shot me a pissed off look, but got down to the car finally. I looked at the floor trying to suppress my giggles. "It's not funny Kayla you could have at least taken one of them"

I looked into her eyes and tried to melt her anger, "I'm sorry baby, you're just cute when you're concentrating"

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her body close to mine. Leaning further back onto the car our lips met in a passionate goodbye kiss, knowing we wouldn't be able to do this at the airport. Jessie's phone buzzed and snapped us back into reality.

Jessie pulled back and put her hand on my chest, "Babe that'll be Cez"

"Leave it," I moaned, leaning in again but Jessie unwrapped herself from the embrace. She started picking up her suitcase and moving them into the boot. Reluctantly I grabbed the smallest suitcase (leave the hard graft to her, she was the one leaving) and shoved it in the boot.

"Jesus Christ Jess, how many suitcases do you need?" I exclaimed at the 5 suitcases packed like sardines into my little Clio.

"I always pack too much" she shrugged, "need to bring something for every scenario"

"What could possibly happen in LA that means you need 5 suitcases?!"

Jessie slammed the boot shut, "well you never know, the plane could crash and I could stuck on a desert island for weeks with no food or drink. So the bottles of water I have in my cases will came in really handy." She said nonchalantly,

"You're impossible!" I laughed, getting the the drivers seat. I turned the key and Betty wheezed to a start. Jessie laughed at the splutter of the engine.

"Babe your car is shit"

"Jessica!" I gasped, "don't insult betty, she's old enough to be your car's Grandmother so show some respect"

She rolled her eyes and turned up the radio. Once on the motor way, I put betty into 5th gear - much to her dismay- and lent back in my seat. One hand on the steering wheel I grabbed Jessie's and rested them on her lap. Jessie smiled at me and sighed contently, caressing my hand with her thumb.

The car journey went far too quickly for my liking and before we knew it I was parking outside departures, but around the back by a secret entrance. The black Audi that had been tailing us the whole journey stopped behind us and out got who i assumed was Jessie's manager and security.

"This is it then..." Jessie mumbled,

"Are you going on your own? Like is none of your family coming?"

"My best friend Holly's meeting me out there, she'll flying in thursday."

We were both silent for a minute both looking at each other's hands,

"I love you Kayla," Jessie whispered, leaning across the seats and kissing me on the nose, "I want to kiss you more than anything, but with Cez and Mark standing outside I'm feeling a bit violated."

I giggled and opened the car door, we had been directed to a place I'd never seen before, it was like a private back entrance so that they could usher Jessie through departures and they wouldn't be papped. I helped her empty her suitcase from my boot and laughed at all the jibes her team was shooting at her about how many she had. They stopped laughing when they realised they would have to be the ones carrying them.

Jessie's smiled dropped when she turned to face me, she pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my ear,

"I'm at the end of the phone if ever you need me, anytime of day or night, I promise. Just call me."

I nodded and gulped back the tears that threatened to rise in my throat.

I waved Jessie and her team off and got back in the car. My phone buzzed.

07******30- Jessie

Missing you already, this is going to be a long 2 weeks. J x

And she was right.

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