Chapter 5

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Trigger warning!

"Fuck me Jess your house is huge!" 

"It's home." She said simply. 

Her house was very homely. Along the walls of the hallway were several pictures of her and her family. Of her and her parents, of just her parents, of children who i assume were her niece and nephews and an old family photo of the 5 of them which looks like it was taken at a professional studio. Her living room was very cosy but spacious- makes zero sense but hey ho. Again it had pictures on the wall but a lot of them were to do with her music. In the corner of the room was a huge Teddy Bear which i could probably sleep on, comfortably. And at the opposite end of the room, by a huge bay window was the fattest TV i'd ever seen. Think cinema, think Jessie's. She had a large brown leather looking L shaped sofa facing the TV with the cushions perfectly arranged. But the most amazing room was the kitchen. It was modern and huge. The work surfaces were a spotless granite black but what struck me was the charcoal black oven which looked vintage compared to the rest of the units. There were little trinkets and a bouquet of fake flowers on the work surface and on the dining table, an elaborate candle holder held tiny tea light candles in it. 

"Jess this place is..."

"I've worked hard on it, it was like my project for ages." 

"You've done yourself proud gorgeous, this place is fantastic Jess." 

"Ooo wait, there's something I want to show you" 

She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the living room. She stood us in front of a blank space on the white washed wall. 

"I wanted something colourful to go up on this wall, in contrast to the whites and blacks. So I was thinking of hanging you up there?" 

I gasped and smacked her playfully, she giggled and pulled me into her. She stroked my cheek and traced her finger around my face. 

"Jess what are you doing?" 

"you call me Jess" 

"I didn't even realize I did." 

"I like it when you do, so don't stop."

"That's going to be easy enough, I just won't change anything then."

Jessie stared my lips and bit down on her bottom lip, "Mmm don't" she almost growled into my ear, "you're perfect." Her hand traced down my back and sides and her breath tickled my ear.

"Jess kiss me for fucks sake" I groaned,

She pressed her lips to mine and I impatiently sucked on her bottom lip asking for entrance. She opened her mouth and eagerly wrapped her tongue in mine. Her hands slid down my sides and rested on the small of my back. Her fingers tickling me slightly. We battled for dominance for a few minutes until i gave up and pulled away, leaving both of us panting. 


"What?" She replied, her voice slightly husky sounding,

"I'm hungry" 

She threw her head back and laughed wrapping her hands her arms around my waist. 

"Do you want me to make you dinner?"

"What a ruin you pristine kitchen?" I said sarcastically, "never!" 

"Believe it or not I cook all the time. Pasta carbonara do you? I would make a roast or something but I'm too tired." She murmured the last sentence, resting her forehead against mine. 

"Sounds perfect Jess" 

Sat in her kitchen the smells made me step back in time for a moment, sat in my kitchen at home at a breakfast bar while my mum made carbonara sauce over a sauce pan. Her fluffy hair growing after her first round of Chemo. I remember being 14. We were laughing over something I was reading in my magazine and my dad walked in from work, dressed in his smart M&S suit complaining how he needed a boy to talk football with and how he was surrounded by all these girls. I couldn't place Maisy in my memory though. My dad commented on how we were having carbonara again and i said; 

Climax (JESSIE J)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora