Chapter 33

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I woke up early the next morning and Jessie was still sleeping soundly next to me. I crept out of the room and into the kitchen, we hadn't cleared up last night, we were both too emotionally exhausted so I grabbed a plate and tipped off all the remaining food onto it. I was right, we had ordered too much. I chucked the plate in the fridge and stamped on the empty boxes so they would fit it in the bin. I boiled the kettle and spooned in 2 tea spoons of Nescafe. Jessie didn't drink coffee so the first thing I did when I started staying the night was make her buy me some instant shit.

I made the coffee almost unbearably strong and slouched into the living room. I left the lights off and fell onto the sofa. I pulled out my Kindle from my bag and got wrapped in the world of Jodi Piclout. I started page one of 'Nineteen Minutes' at 4:30am: 2 hours, 123 pages and 2 cups of coffee later, the kick from caffeine had worn off and the ominous plot twists in the storyline were confusing my brain so I dumped the mug in the sink and crept back upstairs. Jessie mindlessly snuggled into me and her warmth was comforting. I tried my hardest to fall asleep but I couldn't, I tried counting sheep, singing the green bottle song and I even spent all the imaginary lottery money on every material possession I could think off but when Jessie finally awoke at 11 I’d accomplished 4 hours sleep. I and Jessie obviously dealt with jet lag in different ways. 

Jessie yawned loudly and stretched her muscles out like a cat, "Morning beautiful, have you been awake long?"

"No" I lied kissing her forehead. Jessie sighed lightly and trailed her fingers idly over my raggedly engraved stomach.

"I don't want you to go Kid, I’m going to miss waking up to you" she whined,

"Believe me I don't want to go either, but both Maisy and I start back at school in a couple of weeks and Maisy needs new "I’m going to be 13 soon I’m a sophisticated student now" gear." I mocked, squeezing her into me, "And also Mrs, you've got an album to promote!"

"Mmm, I suppose, what time do you have to go?"

"Anytime before 1?" I shrugged, "its 11 now" I added before Jessie strained her neck peering over to her alarm clock behind her.

"Are you packed?" Jessie pouted,

"I didn't unpack babe" I said winking, gesturing to our nakedness, "I’ve got a clean change of clothes here anyways from before we went away"

"Can we just lie here for a bit?" Jessie whispered asked, I nodded and snuggled down next to her. After about 5 minutes of silence I assumed Jessie had fallen back to sleep. I looked up at her to find her staring intently at me.

"J? You're supposed to tell the other person that they're partaking in a staring contest, otherwise it's not fair"

Jessie smiled, "I feel like I’ve got to know you so much more this week."

"Was it only a week? It felt like a lifetime we did so much"

"Welcome to my life babe. It's all go go go" she sighed, almost sadly.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing. It never gets boring when it comes to you Jess" I said laughing,

"That's true" she said snuggling into me more, "but sometimes I wish it would slow down, so I can take it all in. That's why I take so many pictures- so I can remember every little detail. It just goes so fast"

We lay silently for what seemed like hours, just holding each other. My alarm buzzed loudly telling me it was time to go. Jessie groaned loudly and sunk under the duvet. When she poked her head out again her eyes were misty.

"Why are you sad baby?" I asked, squatting down beside her,

"Don't go" she sniffed,


"When will I see you again? I'm so busy with promo and I don't when I next have a day off and I-" I she blurted out, I pressed my lips against hers.

"I don't know baby but we'll make do. I promise we'll find a time. Don’t cry or I won't leave" I whispered stroking her cheek. Jessie smiled sadly and reached up to kiss me lightly again.

"Go now, or I won't let you leave"

So funny story, I'd written the next 5 chapters on my phone months ago and then it broke so I had to re-write them. Heartbreaking I know :( 

Also apologise for these filler chapters but I needed time to think for an interesting story line ahahaha

Climax (JESSIE J)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang