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A/n walks into frame and looks at the screen and waves.

A/n: Hello everyone! So yes this is a RWBY fan fiction, but before get fully into that yes i am still going to work on my first story " The Lost Grail" I am enjoying writing it but there are times i want to write something else and well this will be it.

A/n grabs a chair and sits down.

A/n: Now this is a RWBY spin off this is after the Vytal Festival, but in this spin off the fall of beacon never happened. Cinder is still around, so isnt Roman, Salem, ect.. But they do not attack beacon during the Vytal festival. Now lets talk about the plot.

You and your team Join beacon, your team consist of Neo Politan, Militia Malachite, Melanie Malachite. In this timeline Neo never worked for Roman and ran into Ozpin and saved her from being locked up for doing illegal activities. Militia and Melanie quite Juniors and decide to be more help to the world and go to Beacon Academy.

A/n stands up and throws papers at the screen.

A/n: Before anyone ask yes this will be a harem. Later in the story though i may make a pole and have all of you decide who we will put you with in a relationship. Also please do not expect me to portray everyone's personality right or perfect. I will do my best for some characters but like I have stated before I am not the best writer so trying to put there personalities in words is very difficult for me. Now one more thing before we get into the story. This story will be updated randomly. I will try and update it once a week or more but as I said this is just a side story for when I don't want to write anymore Fate/ Fan fiction.

A/n bows to the screen.

A/n: Now lets get into the story!



I do not own RWBY nor do i want to take credit for anything in RWBY. 

I also do not own any of the images that will be used through out the story.

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