Ay yo bitches

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IM MAKING A NEW FANFIC!!! Don't worry, this one will still exist, but I've read this over a number of times and I find it extremely bad so I decided to write something new, with a lot more things about the main character instead of just following everything that happens in the movie. Also, this is my most popular fanfic, so I thought this would be the best place to advertise!

So that being said, make sure to check out "Drama"!

Drama stars a girl by the name of Quinn Baxter. Parents MIA since she was six, living under the shadow of her heartthrob brother. Quinn is everything you'd expect a teenage girl to be: witty, cool, as talented as her brother, and

Scared of masks

What happens when she has to team up with an old friend from the cast of her middle school play to fight a demon clown?

Drama. That's what happens.

Check out the story or I'll cry forever k thanks.

~Stay cute, stutter king.~ ((Bill Denbrough x OC reader))Where stories live. Discover now