Ice cream

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I quickly rushed up to the boys, a huge smile on my face.

    "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, y'know, saving the world as usual." I grinned.

   "Yeah, a bit too late, jackass." Richie snapped, fixing his glasses and gesturing to Henry Bower's car, that seemed to have just left, then gesturing to Bill, who's wiping his face.
"Shit, sorry...." I said, frowning.
       "D-d-d-don't worry about it, a-a-a-Amy..." Bill said, smiling gently.

     "Thank god it's summer. I'm gonna be in the arcade as usual." Richie said smugly.

   "You're spending your summer in an Arcade?!" Eddie spat.
   "Beats spending it inside your mother-ooooooh!!" Richie raised his hand for a high five, and Stan smacked it away haphazardly. I giggled.

     "You c-c-c-can't....we're going to the Barrons tomorrow, r-r-r-remember?" Bill stuttered, his face unreadable. I frowned. That's right....we're supposed to go to the sewers, or as Bill calls it, "the Barron's" to try and find out the story behind all the missing kids....poor Bill. He just wanted to get Georgie back...don't get me wrong, I did too....he was just like a brother to me...

   "Hey, Amy. I said let's go." Stan snapped me out of my thoughts.

     "Y-yeah, of course." I hopped on my bike along with the rest of the boys, and we started to ride home. First we dropped off Stan, then Richie, then Eddie, and finally, Bill and I were left alone. We came to the road that split my house from his, and we both stopped.

    "Well....this is where we part ways." I bowed playfully. He smiled.

    "Y-yeah....see you t-t-tomorrow...." he smiled, and got back on his bike, and the second he started to ride home. Something fell out of Bill's backpack, and I picked it up.

   "H-hey Bill. You dropped your-" he was already far from my reach. I sighed, and looked down at what fell. A notebook. Brown, raggedy, and ripped, but there was nothing on the cover. I opened to the first page, and gasped.

                                                         The Barrons

      "God...." I sighed......"shit, Bill." I shook my head, and looked up. Well, I obviously had to return the notebook. I got on my bike, and put the notebook in my backpack, starting to pedal to Bill's house. I pulled up to the garage just to hear this:

    "He's dead, Bill!" Bill's father...oh no. I carefully peeked into the garage, to see Bill's glaring dad, and Bill cowering in front of him, his eyes filled with tears. I frowned, watching the scene in front of me.
"He's dead, and there's nothing we can do!" His dad raised his voice at him, making him sink lower. "Now clean this up before your mom sees it." His dad sighed, clearly disappointed, and walked off. Bill sniffled, wiping his eyes, and turned around, starting to take apart a model of the Barrons, which was just all the tunnels in his hamster cage.

      I sighed, and softly set down my bike, walking towards Bill, and tapping his shoulder. He turned around, and the look in his eyes completely ruined me. I tried to lighten the mood a bit with a sympathetic smile, and handed him his notebook.

   "You dropped this." I handed him his notebook. He took it, trying to muster a smile, but only got out a tiny grimace. I sighed, and took the book from his hand, setting it down on the table behind him, and hugged him tightly. He slowly hugged back. I smiled. "Ice cream?" I asked hopefully. I heard him sigh, yet I could tell he was smiling.
                                                          "Ice cream."
Mission: Happy Best friend
Mission: Accomplished. :)

~Stay cute, stutter king.~ ((Bill Denbrough x OC reader))Where stories live. Discover now