The well

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           Once Eddie and I picked up Ben and Mike, I started leading the, to my house.

    "I told Bill, Stan, and Richie to meet us here."

         "Why?" Eddie piped up.

   "I have weapons. And we need weapons." I said.

     "I  swiped something from the sheep barn." Mike said, pulling out some strange-looking gun. I smiled.

     "Cool!" I said. We pulled up to my house, being greeted by Bill, Stan, and Richie's friendly faces. Well, almost friendly.

    "Where the fuck were you?!" Richie spat. I rolled my eyes.

   "Take three guesses."

        We walked into my house, and I led them down to my basement, which, evidently, was a torture chamber. Shiny axes lined the wall. A Japanese sword faced downwards from the ceiling. Thousands of baseball bats surrounded the floors, several of them had barbed wire expertly wrapped around it, others just had nails sticking out. Most of the boys gasped.

    "This is some kinky shit, Amy." Richie muttered, trying to act tough, yet he slightly hid behind Eddie. I smirked.

     "Now you've learned not to fuck with me, Tozier." I winked. He gulped. The boys slowly made their way around my basement, some of them choosing weapons, the others just staring in awe. I picked up a barbed-wire bat (( walking dead, anyone?)), and swung it for practice, humming in agreement. I had my weapon. Bill walked next to me.

     "This is r-really cool. Yet r-really scary..." he laughed sheepishly. I shoved his shoulder playfully.

     "I won't use any of this on you, Billy-boy." I said, wrapping my arm around him.


      We pulled up to the house, and at feeling of dread came running back at me, stabbing my chest like a hard, cold spear. I swallowed my fear. This is for Beverly. I dropped my bike, gripping my hand around my bat. Bill started walking into the house, everyone else following him. We continued to follow him to the basement, where a well sat. The whole room was eerie. The  lack of lighting caused the room to have a dark blue glow to it, and the cobwebs and moss covering the corners  and walls just added to it. I shuddered, but walked forward. Mike threw a rope down the  well, and wrapped the other end around a loose board attached to the wall. Bill grabbed onto it, slowly and carefully climbing down the well. I looked away. If something happened to him, and I saw it, I'd have nightmares for years. Oh god, what if he falls? What if...what if he dies, what would I do?! Shit...shit...

"Hey, pussy-wagon, we're talking to you." Richie's voice snapped me out of my awful thoughts. I snapped my head towards him.

"O-oh, sorry....what?" I said. Richie gestured to the well.

"You're next." He said. I gulped, and slowly wrapped my hands around the rough rope. I carefully maneuvered my way down the well, my hands tightly gripping the rope. I was visibly shaking, and the boys above me kept shouting words of comfort. I felt warm, soft hands wrap around my waist, and gently pull me back, making me scream. The person holding me shushed gently, and I knew it was Bill.

"Hey,'s j-just me, okay? I g-got you." He smiled, hugging me gently. Despite the situation, my face burst into a bright red, and I giggled nervously. Stan came down soon after me, going behind us. Everyone else soon followed, except Mike. He was just about to grab the rope when he was pulled back. I gasped.

     "MIKE!" Bill yelled. We all stared up, and a face we never expected to see stared down at us.

    Henry Bowers.

~Stay cute, stutter king.~ ((Bill Denbrough x OC reader))Where stories live. Discover now