Electric Love

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More fluff  -/////-  sorry y'all. If you have any ideas about what to add to this story, comment, I'll most likely add it and give you a shoutout ;3

        After I took Bill home, and persuaded him to let me go home by myself, I decided to do two of the main things I do when I'm sad (other than talking to Bill, since I knew he needed some time alone.). Obviously, the two things were 1. Watch shitty movies, and   2. Bake.   So I turned on A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon (((Sorry, River, but that movie was hot, hot, HOT trash.))), and put a tin of brownies in the oven. I was about to click play on my tv, when the doorbell rang. I paused, and walked over to the door, slowly opening it. A pang of dread shot through me. Bill stood in front of me, his eyes red and puffy, letting me know clearly that he'd been crying, and sniffling uncontrollably. My eyes widened in sympathy, and I pulled him into a hug, closing the door. He whimpered weakly. I softly stroked his hair.

       "What happened..." I said softly.

      "I tried to explain the Barrons to my m-m-m-mom....she k-k-kicked me out..." he sobbed. I held him closer. He quieted down, and asked me a question that made my heart stop beating.

     "Amy...is...is g-georgie really d-dead...?" He whispered. I froze. Ah, shit, bill.

  "I don't know..." i said. He stood up, and wiped his eyes. I smiled softly. "Chin up. Wanna get fat and watch Jimmy Reardon?" I cooed mockingly. He chuckled, and nodded, sniffling.

    "Fuck yeah." He said. I smiled, and rushed to the kitchen, taking the brownies out. I was taking off my oven mitt, and I felt warm arms wrap around my waist, and I felt a body press against my back, hot breath down my neck. I tensed, blushing madly.

      "U-um...?" I whispered, knowing the only person it could be was Bill.

     "Thanks for d-dealing with my bullshit." He whispered. I smiled.
     "Your bullshit is my bullshit." I said. He let go of me. I handed him a plate with a brownie on it. He smiled wider.

      "Thanks." I winked. "All for you, Dennybrough." He snorted, rolling his eyes at my shitty nickname. I grabbed his hand, and pulled him onto the couch, starting the movie. We laughed, screamed, "boo"-ed, threw brownie at the tv, cried, smiled, loved. We forgot completely about what happened before, and never thought once about what would happen after. He only thought about me. I only thought about him. That's how it works.

                About 10 hours later, we both agreed to hang in my room ((aheheheheh wink winkkkkkk)). So we got up, and started walking. My foot caught on a chair leg, and I fell back, making me squeal. Bill quickly turned around to grab my arm before I hit the ground, and yanked me towards him. Our bodies collided, my nose hitting his chest. He looked down at me, I looked up at him. Butterflies shot through me like an electrical shock. We stared at each other for about a minute. Then our faces both turned the shade of a tomato, and we pulled away from each other, but apologizing profusely. Our apologies turned into laughs, and, yet again, we found ourselves being happier than ever in the past few months.

Baby you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I've got it
Now all I need is to be

~Stay cute, stutter king.~ ((Bill Denbrough x OC reader))Where stories live. Discover now