F I F T Y - S I X

Start from the beginning

"She fears me." Klaus said angry.

"You were her fairy tale prince Klaus, and now you're real. You have a lot to live up to." Hayley said. Mia felt her heart drop as the realization hit: she was no longer going to be needed by Hope because she had her parents now.

Mia grabbed the glass of orange juice and escorted the others outside while Hayley and Klaus spoke.

"A true American breakfast." Kol said looking down at the vast amount of food.


Hours had past and they seemed happy, with the thought of their freedom.

Mia and Elijah sat side got side by the pool, the two thinking of what was to come next.

"I hope you find happiness Elijah, from the bottom of my heart I truly hope that. But it can not be with me, I do not love you the way you love me. You're my best friend, and the brother of the love of my life." Mia whispered.

Elijah sighed turning to her, "Perhaps in another universe it would have been me you have chosen." He said giving her a small smile.

Mia smiled at him back, "Perhaps. But in this universe, your intentions lie with Haykey." Mia said as the two stood up.

Elijah blushed looked down, "Perhaps." He whispered as the two stared at eachother in silence. "Have a goodnight El." Mia said kissing his cheek before watching him walk away.

Mia went inside the house, grabbing some clothes to get wet in before heading back out. Once she was changed, she slowly entered the pool.

Her muscles loosened themselves as she became more relax. Her hands glided throughout the water, as she swam around her herself.

She noticed something was happening with the water and she immediately took a deep breathe before swimming under water, and opening her eyes.

A blue light shined bright under the water, taking Mia by surprise. She looked around the pool worried that someone had tracked them down but saw nothing out of the ordinary, just the blue blinding light.

Mia swam to it, trying to get a better look but found herself in a trance with it. Whispers muffled by the water became louder by the second as Mia desperately tried to
swim to the surface but failed.

The water began to flood her lungs as she banged on the invisible barrier that kept her from reaching the surface. After screaming and pleading for help, Mia's eyes slowly closed indicating that she had drowned.

Klaus looked around for Mia, not finding her anywhere in the house.

"Have any of you seen Mia?" Klaus asked as everyone exited their rooms. "No I haven't seen her..." Rebekah said looking around.

Klaus did the same and noticed one sibling was also misusing, "Where's Kol?"

"He left Nik." Rebekah said taking Klaus by surprise. "He asked me say goodbye to you." She finished waiting his his response, or at least a facial expression.

"He deserves to be happy, little sister." Klaus whispered before turning to Elijah who looked like he was thinking.

"I believe I know where she is..." Elijah said slowly sparking curiosity in Klaus and Rebekah. The Mikaelson siblings followed after Elijah to the backyard where they all saw a floating body in the pool.

"Mia!" Klaus had jumped into the pool before wrapping his arms around the temporarily dead Mia. Elijah helped him out of the pool with Mia in his arms before he set her down on the floor gently.

A minute or so later, Mia awoke with a jolt as she coughed up water. "What the hell?!" She asked looking around as she took in her surroundings.

"Yeah explain that! What were you doing drowned in the pool?!" Rebekah asked hitting Mia upside the head. The brunette haired girl glared at the blonde one before saying, "I went out for a bloody swim and then I saw..." Mia voice trailed off as she processed what happened.

"Saw what Mia?" Klaus asked impatiently.

"A blue light in the water, it was blinding me and I was curious to see what it was so I swam down and then when I went to resurface there was a barrier that made me...drown." Mia cringed at her own story.

"A blue light? Mia there was nothing there after I left." Elijah said crouching down to be next to her.

Rebekah bit her lip, "We can discuss this later. You two need a change of clothes you smell like chlorine and it's giving me a headache." She said quickly noticing how close Elijah was getting.

Klaus nodded as he stood up and helped Mia who rejected his hand. "I can stand up myself." She whispered before walking inside with Rebekah by her side.

Elijah gave his brother a confused look.

Klaus sighed and shook his head, "I raised my voice at her this morning."


Once they were changed, and bathed, Mia slipped under the covers and covered her face with the blanket. While closing her eyes, her hand trailed down towards her southern region.

Soft sounds were coming from her mouth as her small fingers did their work.

After Klaus had kissed hope goodnight he headed towards his room with Mia and when he heard her soft moans and the calling of his name echoing through the room, he immediately froze and didn't make a sound.

His mouth opened slightly as he listened to her, before he quickly closed the door as quietly as he could not wanting her to stop.

Before Mia could reach her peak, he cleared his throat and she quickly peaked her head out from under the covers.

"Can I help you?" She asked out or breathe, "I'm in the middle of something."

Klaus stared at her in disbelief and amusement, "Mia..."

"Nik.." Mia whimpered, "whatever you want can wait." She huffed before she covered her head again.

Klaus growled and sped over to her, "You're acting like a child."

Mia peaked her head out again, "Yes, a child that needs a release now if you will ex-"

Klaus cut her off when he climbed over her, his face only inches away, "Let me help you." He whispered in her ear. The action sent shivers down her spine and the feelings Mia had only intensified.

"No." She said, continuing.

"Mia please." Klaus begged quietly, making Mia's knees weak. She debated for a second before she brought her lips towards his, giving him his answer.

He whispered something in her ear making Mia's eyes widen in excitement and fear.

"Childish behavior gets punished."

Mia - k. mikaelson |completed| Where stories live. Discover now