Chapter 9- Georgy's Feelings

Start from the beginning

"It was good! Everyone stayed over at our place for Christmas; Harry definitely enjoyed being away from the Dursleys" I watched as Harry smacked Fred on the head but was smiling as he did it.

"The Dursleys?"

"Oh yeah I stay with my aunt and uncle, they aren't the nicest people to live with so anytime the Weasley's ask me to come over I take the opportunity" I nodded at what he said as everyone else began telling their stories that happened over Christmas.

"I read the books you gave to me, they were wonderful" I smiled and nodded at Hermione, I'm glad she liked them.

"Let's chat in the hall, I'm starving!" Ron whined,

"Ron we just ate breakfast about an hour ago at your place"

"Exactly Hermione it's already been so long!" we all laughed as we walked inside and to the Great Hall; it was so nice to actually see everyone again. I was here alone in the castle and I spent most of my time hanging out with some of the Professors.

"What did you do Eb?" I smiled and shrugged,

"I stayed here, I didn't really do much" they looked at me weirdly,

"You stayed here?" Hermione rolled her eyes and smacked Ron against his head,

"She's from an Orphanage Ronald" I smiled as they looked at me with pity.

"Guys don't feel bad for me; it's not bad that I was in an orphanage"

"But don't you want to know who your parents are?" I nodded and smiled,

"Yes, that's why I asked the hat to put me in the house that one of my parents were in that fit me best; that's why I'm in Slytherin. Because one of my parents were in Slytherin" they nodded,

"That's pretty cool, I guess that's why no one ever calls you by your last name; since you don't know it" I nodded once again.

"Yes, but I don't worry too much; I mean I can't sulk about it can I? hopfully I'll be able to find out who my parents are but if I don't than I can't mourn over it either" then, we walked in the great hall and I went with them to the Gryffindor table. We sat down as lunch was put in front of us; I watched as Ron immediately dug in; not a care in the world with how messy he was.

"So Ebony we've started using some of the pranks that you got us; they work wonderfully" Ron looked up and glared at me as some soup dripped from his chin.

"Yeah they definitely work; thanks Ebony" I blushed and smiled at him as George smacked him against his forehead; making the soup splash him.

"Hey! Is it whack Ron day or something?!"

"That's everyday Ron don't rile yourself up" we laughed at what Hermione said as Ron rolled his eyes and cleaned his face.


I watched as Ebony laughed at what Hermione had said; I smiled as I watched her; god I loved her laugh. Over the break I've come to realize my feelings for her; I realized that I was being stubborn and ever since I can't stop thinking about her. I watched as she flipped her hair to the side; making her blue eyes come into view and sparkle when the sun hit her. She looked over and stopped when she saw me staring and smiled; making me blush. I felt the redness travel up my ears and to my cheeks; I quickly looked away and heard her giggle.

I'm leaving this year and for once I wish I was in Ebony's grade ust so I could see her till she graduates. I'll have to make sure to visit as much as I can after I leave school.

"Georgy" I looked over at Fred and I saw him give me a look to which I shook my head at. Ever since I admitted my feelings to Fred about Ebony he's been nonstop trying to get me to ask her out. I know I'm usually outgoing and I act smooth when it comes to girls but Ebony's different; she makes me nervous. I know that the worst thing that could happen is she could say no but it makes me want to cry every time I think about it. This isn't how I usually act what's wrong with me!

"No Fred, I can't and you know why I can't" he rolled his eyes,

"If you don't ask her someone else will; girls like her don't stay sig le for long" I sighed and looked back at her, she was talking to Harry and it made the pit of my stomach feel hot. I knew that Harry liked Ginny but every time she talks to a guy I get a bit upset that they could be trying to woo her.

"She'd never date someone like me Fred" he sighed,

"How do you know unless you ask?" I shook my head,

"Or how about I ask? I could ask how she feels about you" my eyes widened and I shook my head harder.

"No Fred! She's smart, she'll catch on and she'll say she won't like me and it'll be awkward between us for a while" he rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"I'm asking her George and you'll thank me later when I do" I sighed and shook my head; sometimes I wish I wasn't a twin.



I was walking with Blaise to Divination when I was pulled to the side by Fred; he scared me so I let out a short scream before I stopped myself when I saw the red hair.

"Jesus Fred you scared the crap out of me" I put a hand to my heart as he laughed.

"What do you need? Blaise and I are kind of running late to-" the bell rang in the hall and I sighed, "-well now we're late to Divination"

"How do you feel about George" she blinked at me in surprise and it took her a second to answer.

"Well I mean George is one of my really good friends so I do like him-" he rolled his eyes and held a hand up to me.

"No I mean how do you feel about him" I tilted my head,

"Eb he's asking if you like George or not" I looked over at Blaise before the question came to me as I blushed.

"Oh" I thought about it; I really didn't know how I felt about him; I was a bit confused since I've never actually liked someone before so I can't tell if I do or not.

"I'm not sure really" Fred's face kind of dropped and I tried to continue,

"No you don't understand I've never actually experience liking someone so even if I do have feeling for George I can't tell because I don't know the feelings that you get when you like someone" he nodded,

"It seems like you like him" I looked over at Blaise,

"You think so?" he nodded,

"Well at least it looks like it to me" I nodded,

"What happens when you're around him?" I shrugged,

"I get a weird feeling in my stomach when we're together; not a bad feeling but a feeling that I'm not used to; and when we're a part I kind of feel...empty I guess you could say" Fred and Blaise smirked and I looked at them confused,

"What? Are those signs of me...liking George?" as soon as I said those words I felt my face go red and I frowned,

"Oh no I like George" now they were the one's frowning.

"Is that a bad thing?" I nodded,

"Yes because I know he doesn't like me that way; why did you have to ask this Fred? I would've rather gone not knowing so that I could've been spared from rejection" Fred shook his head,

"I have a feeling you won't experience any sort of rejection " I perked up,

"Really?" he smiled and nodded,

"Really" I smiled back and looked around; then I remembered that Blaise and I were late for class.

"Shoot! Blaise we have to go, sorry Fred I'll see you later!" he nodded as I grabbed Blaise's wrist and tugged him all the way to class.

Opposites Attract-George Weasley Love Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now