Fifty Six

510 13 0

『 Germany & America  』

  War was- no is hell.

  It was the harsh realization C/n had awoken to the moment they set foot upon the battlefield.

  The stench of ash and death hung heavily through the air. Bodies littered the ground and blood stained the dirt they treaded on.

  C/n shuddered, clutching their faithful rifle close to their chest. They mumbled a prayer underneath a shaky breath.
  All around them, bodies dropped like flies. A deafening boom ringing in their ears as yet another bomb was dropped into the battle.

  Fight! Don't stop moving-! This'll all be for nothing if you lose.

  Their mind kicked into overdrive, finding ways to narrowly avoid the bullets whizzing past their head. On one occasion, a piece of metal managed to graze their cheek.

  Their movements were sluggish and their tripped and stumbled over burnt corpses. But at the same time, they moved swiftly, their aim deadly accurate.

  A small part of then wanted to give up- to lay down and succumb to the exhaustion. But they couldn't, seeing as hundreds upon hundreds of their soldiers died for their country.

  C/n couldn't help the cold rage rising into the back of their throat. They wanted to scream in frustration at the people who caused all this.


  "G'mornin' guys-- Woah! You look like garbage." America's boisterous voice cut through the morning silence. He stared down at C/n sulking form, a frown etched upon their face. "You want something to drink man? You look dead." He tried to joke, chuckling dryly.

  C/n rose their head from the table, shooting the American an icy glare. "I need some alchohol."

  "Drinkin' on duty? Wow C/n, I didn't think you had it in ya'." He commented, pulling up a chair. His Nantucket bobbed as he sat, C/n barely had the right mind not to touch it. "But, I get it. Fighting Germany and all. . ."

  It wasn't a secret to anyone. C/n and Germany were closer than anyone else. They practically raised each other.

  To be fighting one another, it was painful. Anyone watching could see the distress on both sides.

  "I'm disappointed with him, that's all." They lied, shaking their head. Half-lied. They were disappointed that he decided to start another war.

  But C/n was mostly concerned about what would happen to their beloved Germany after all this.

  Would he be dissolved? Would he fall into a famine? Could they help him during a depression?

  "I don't blame ya for feeling that way. Just don't give up." America sighed, his usual childish tone dropping for a millisecond before returning with full force. "You've got a hero on your side after all!"

  C/n stared, lips pursed as they mulled over America's words. They shook their head, finally allowing a warm smile to pull at the corner of their lips.

  And through their exhaustion, C/n fought diligently- hoping that whatever happens next, it wouldn't be so bad.

»»————-  ————-««
asdfghjkl b r u h

I spent too long trying to figure out how to write this one.





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