Fifty Nine

427 7 2

『 Iceland 』

  "Where you goin' Icey?" Asked the spikey-haired Dane, shooting a glance at the boy shrugging on his brown leather coat. Emil (aka Iceland) stiffened. "You've been goin' out a lot lately, what's up?"

  Emil shrugged, turning to face his older brother. "I've got stuff to do, see you later." He dismissed, exiting the house without another word.

  "Did Emil leave again?" Questioned Tino, peeking into the living room. He glanced toward Matthias and raised a brow.

  What is that boy up to this time?

  Tino sighed and shifted into the kitchen. He shook his head and looked toward Berwald who sat at the table, reading novel.

  "Maybe he's got a girlfriend. . ." Said Lukas, bounding down the stairs. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, yawning.

  Matthias shot to his feet, blue eyes blazing with mischief. "A girlfriend, you say?"
  "Now, now. . . Let's not pry into Emil's private life." Called Tino, scrubbing the dishes. Despite his words, curiosity poked at him.

  "But this if our baby brother has a girlfriend, it's our duty to make sure she's good for him-!" Argued Matthias, stumbling toward the front door.

  "-and where do you think you're going?" Asked Lukas, more awake than a few minutes ago.

  "To spy on him of course!"


  "Sorry I'm late, Y/n. . . " Emil sighed, clutching the makeshift bouquet of Mountain Avens. The apples of his cheeks burned bright red, matching the red of Y/n's scarf. "I brought you these. . ."

  Y/n giggled and took the flowers with a blush. They pressed the bouquet against their heart. A warm smile tugged at their lips as Emil rubbed the back of his neck.

  "They're beautiful, Emil. Thank you." They paused, admiring the white flowers.

  . . . Not as beautiful as you though.

  Emil's cheeks flared at his own thoughts, hand shooting out to take Y/n's. He sighed, turning away.

  Their warm skin burned against his own. The heat was intense, and despite how long they've been together, he couldn't help but be nervous.

  Their first meeting had been an awkward one, and knowing his brothers, they'd tease him relentlessly if they knew.

  "Come on, let's go inside." He insists, leading them into the cafè, his choice for today's date.


  "Who the heck is that?" Asked Matthias, leaning forward. He peered out from inside the car, binoculars pressed close to his face. "They're really cute-!"

  "Shut up," Lukas scoffed, narrowing his eyes through his own pair of binoculars. "Let's go inside."

»»————-  ————-««



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