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Veneziano x Reader x Romano

You cross your arms as you glance between the two red faced Italians before you. Their eyes were to the ground in embarrassment. They were absolutely helpless. Your eyes wavered to the clump of tangled hair that connected the brothers together.
"...I'm not even going to ask how this-" You pointed a finger at their curls. "-somehow happened. But why call me?" You ask, kneel in front of them.
"Well-a you see, I was-a going to-a sleep but he-a tackled me!" Romano snaps angrily, glaring sideways at his brother. Veneziano whines quietly as you accidentally tug on his curl. Romano winces.
"I was-a only trying to-a give you a hug!" Veneziano objects, jumping up. He had tears in the corners of his eyes. You roll your eyes and continue to untangle their curls.
Your nimble fingers work out the knot and eventually the hairs spring up. "Finally...can I leave now?" You ask, rubbing your temple. The brothers give each other a look, puzzling you. They're acting strange. But since when are they not?
You stand up to leave. But two hands grab your wrists and pull your back down.
"I don't think you can leave yet." Romano whispers in your ear.
"Ve...he's-a right you know." Veneziano whispers in the other.
"...nani..." You whisper.


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