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2p! America x Mute! Reader

You flinch as your father slams another glass bottle at the wall beside you. A piece of glass grazes against your cheek and you shut your eyes. He spits profanities at you in (native language), and you shrink.
"Worthless piece of trash-" he slams his boot on your head and your grit your teeth. "-you should've died like your mom!" He growls, tossing back another bottle of whiskey. You take this opportunity to flee, swinging the front door open and sprinting into the night.

You breathe heavily, tired from running. Fear begins to replace the adrenaline in your system as the thought of your wretched father finding you crosses your mind. Sniffling, you run toward a park and wrap your thin sweater closer to your small frame.
Your breath fogs up the cold air and you shiver. It would be snowing tonight. You grit your teeth together in anger as you glare at the ground underneath your feet.
"What's with that look, Dollface?" A voice asks, your whip around to see a set of ruby red eyes staring into your own. A man towers over you, a bloody bat with resting on his shoulders.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" He chuckles, his eyes gleaming with mischief. You stare awestruck for a moment before knitting your eyebrows and looking away. "Hey, are you deaf?" He asks, snapping his fingers in front of your face. You glare and push his hand away. The man, surprised at your actions then laughs loudly.
"So you're shy then?" He says, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You flinch at the contact but he doesn't seem to notice it. "I'll buy you a coffee, Dollface." He says dragging you toward a nearby cafe.

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