Forty Two // Day Twenty Six

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〚 Russia 〛

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Winter Is Here

Ivan perked up, eyes darting to the door as a figure entered the meeting room. His smile brightens significantly the familiar person took a spot beside him.

"Hello Y/n~" He greeted, moving closer ever so slightly. They nodded in response, a solemn expression spreading on their soft features.

Always so beautifully intriguing.

A rather mysterious country who rarely had time for others. They always seemed so cold.

-and Ivan thought he was the embodiment of winter.

Ivan pondered his sanity often whenever he catches glimpses of loneliness in their cold eyes.

"-are you listening, Ivan?"

He stiffened, the apples of his cheeks dusting red as Y/n leaned back to stare up at him.

Was he ogling them again?

"A-Ah. . . I spaced out, I'm sorry." He sputtered, thankful there weren't any other people around. "Would you repeat that?"

"I was asking if you wanted to go out for drinks later." Y/n hummed, taking in his flustered appearance.


"You don't have to." They added on quickly.

He seemed a little lonely lately. Y/n assumed maybe it was just their imagination, but eventually grew enough balls to delve into a conversation.

"That sounds great," Ivan grinned, eyes trailing to the door as more people filled in. "-how about after the meeting?"

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️Not Edited⚠️

So basically. . . Traits representing winter. . .?

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