Twenty Four

900 11 0

Turkey x Reader

You stare into the water, eyes scanning over the ripples- created by falling leaves that float over the glassy surface. A soft breeze blows against your skin. A chill runs through your body.
You perk up, hearing the crunch of dried leaves from behind. Glancing over your shoulder, a smile tugs at the corners of your lips. A warm feeling bubbles at the bottom of your stomach.
Behind you, your boyfriend yawns, a blanket wrapped around his body. His nose was red and he shivered. You couldn't blame him, it was getting colder these days.
"It's a bit cold outside don't you think?" Sadık questions, raising an eyebrow. You shrug. You just wanted to get some fresh air and enjoy the morning.
He approaches and pulls out another blanket. One you didn't notice until he wraps it around your shoulders.
"Why're you up so early?" You inquired, shifting you feet. Your tongue quickly swipes over your chapped lower lip. "I thought you would've been asleep till the afternoon." You mumble, a hint of humor laced in your tone.
"The bed was empty, and I was cold." Sadık retorted, wrapping an arm around your waist. He pulls you close against him. You shoulder pressed against his chest and his chin rested above your head. " snatched all the blankets last night too." He scrunched up his face, pinching the tip of your nose lightly. He breathes out a quick 'I love you though.'
The pond ripples again, catching your attention. A warm smile grows on your face as Sadık embraces you further.

Yo waddup I'm back my writers block :3

Hetalia ☆ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now