Chapter 43

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After we arrived at grandma's, I went straight to bed, after sneaking up to her and scaring the hell out of her, unfortunately she didn't pass out from a panic attack, and I was glad.

My night was horrible, I was tossing from one side of the bed to another, nightmares of tony shooting mama, the sound from the explosion of the bullets as he pressed the trigger, his words everything kept coming to me, I relive the most tragic scene in my life, not to mention when I fell from the bed and hurt my arm.

It was the sign of the beginning of a very bad day.

I took my shower with cold water, because something was wrong with the warm water, I tried turn the tap but the water was still cold, so I gave up and use a chill cold water.

I came out of the shower shivering, I quickly put on my black skinny jeans and a black sweat. As I was wearing the jeans I tripped and fell hurting my foot, I managed to zip up.

I stood in front of the mirror and saw that my hair was really messy and I needed a hair cut, but mama had never cut my hair before so it was kinda long and curled.

I brushed my hair with a lot of difficulties and made a mental note to go for a hair cut with Charlie.

I grabbed my paste and tooth brush, I pour the paste on the brush and started brushing only to realize it was my cream not the paste, I spat the disgusting thing in the sink, after rinsing my mouth for the hundredth time I brushed and left for breakfast.

It was definitely not my day, only bad incidents since I woke. I thought as I made my way through the hall to the stairs.

Something was strange about the house, it was extremely silent and that was weird, since there were lots of people in the big house, maids and servants with grandma, Charlie, Margaret and the kids.

So there was no reason for the house to look like a cemetery. 

I took a step forward with caution, all my senses In alert, only when I came down the stairs I noticed the place was dark.

I was scared that Tony might be behind it but was proved wrong when the light was turn on and a crowd of people screamed 'Happy Birthday' I almost jumped to the ceiling from their sudden appearance.

I sat on the stairs with a hand on my chest trying to calm my breathing.

"Aww we scared the poor baby," said grandma as she crouch down to me slowly.

I fake a smile. there was no way this was happening I was never going to celebrate my birthday after what happen the last time I did.


"Today is your birthday so we decided to organize a big party, all your friends are invited." Grandpa said.

I Immediately shoot up with wide eyes. "No no no!"

"Why?" Everyone chorused.

"I-i d-don't think is a good idea."

"Huh? We don't understand!" Said a lady that I summed was my aunt because she was dark and looked like grandpa.

"I just don't wanna, it not safe! You shouldn't waste your precious time and life preparing a damn party for someone like me!" My voice came out louder than I expected.

"Alex! Why saying such? We invited Carlos you know," Charlie came out from the crowd with Carlos by his side.

I almost broke down sobbing, it took me all not to cry, "I don't wanna!" I screamed before running to my room and locking not slamming the door, I didn't wanna scare grandma.

I crept under my bed after grabbing mama's picture. I loved the warming darkness.

"If I hadn't open the door least celebrating my birthday you would probably be alive." I whispered to the picture.

There was a soft knock on the door along with Carlos's voice, "Alex, please open the door, I just want us to talk."

I remain silent as I shut my eyes and ignore his pleads. I heard a faint click and the door was pushed opened.

"Alex I know you're under the bed please come out." Charlie said.

Carlos sigh, "is kinda heartbreaking that I came here and couldn't talk to my brat, all the way from Florida to California for nothing." He sigh.

I felt a pang of guilty on my chest that may be creep out from under the bed, "what?" I muttered as I sat on my bed having Charlie and Carlos join me.

"Why don't you wanna celebrated your birthday, is fun and full of familiar faces, I thought everyone loved that?" Charlie raised his brows.

I sigh while staring at my feet, "I-i lost someone precious the last time I celebrated my birthday."

"Are you telling me that the last time you celebrated was when you turn seven?" Charlie had this unbelievable expression of shock.

"I tried man, but it was a capital no!" Carlos raised his hands in surrender when Charlie narrowed his eyes at him.

"Am scared, what if Tony comes and ruined it by killing one of you or everyone?!" I gasp at that thought.

"I promise it won't happen, I'll protect you, plus he's not in town." Charlie grabbed my hands reassuringly.

I sigh, "I don't know, am still scare." I bit my lip nervously.

"Hey, you turning 15 today, you are now a big boy, and Charlie and I will protect you against him." Carlos patted my lap with his bad ass smirk.

"O-okay." I tried gathering myself together as both of them hugged me.

Maybe I was just over reacting and exaggerating, maybe they were right am just scare of my pass. I pushed my emotions back as I got up and followed them out to celebrate my birthday.

I apologized to everyone and the preparation of my birthday started, it was really fun since Jeremy and Louis was helping out.

After some hours of preparation the birthday was finally ready, I stood far away from the door and was careful about visitors.

I got in a brand new skinny jeans, and a gray T-shirt, with a leather black jacket.

When everyone finally arrived, the sang my birthday song, everyone was present.

After the song I blew the candle and the clapped, I was scared to make a wish, everyone was too happy to notice, their little chat was interrupted by the door bell.

I had this bad feeling, "no one opens the door without checking!" I screamed but too late Daniel had flip the door opened, revealing.

Everyone gasped "Anthony Perez!" He held his gun firmly as an evil grin parted his lips.

He grabbed Daniel's wrist and pointed the gun by the side of his head, I gasped my body paralyzed with fear as I trembled slightly. I saw the scene like eight years ago. I never noticed how long I stood there staring in horror till the sound of gunfire snapped me brutally out of my thought.

Everyone screamed Charlie's name...

Duh duh duh! Don't hate me is Tony's fault 😶, anyways the book was a little boring so I decided to put more action into it!

Did Charlie die just like Jessica? Or is he still alive?
What will Tony do to Alex?

Find out in the next chapter!


(Don't worry for Lexy, he'll have a happy ending.)

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