Chapter 40

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I sat on my desk chair writing in my dairy. A soft knock snapped me from my writing. I muttered a come in, and the handle was twisted opened and Charlie walked in.

"How do you feel now bud?"

"The cut from the mirror hurts and my wrist too but am fine, about yesterday am sorry." I blurted out.

"You don't have to, it wasn't your fault okey?"

I nodded.

"I just wanna know about the b-blond guy you were talking about, you said he hurt you when you were nine and what happened in Miami."

"Oh, I said that?" I whispered to Charlie's hearing.

"I wanna know what happened when I was not there for you I mean when Anthony had you."

I took a deep breath, about the blond freak," I sigh. "Am not ready to talk about it. I stood up turning my back on Charlie.

"Hey," he gently spun me around facing him, he lean on my desk so we were same height. "Am not forcing or trying to know just by curiosity, I wanna help you more, and I can only do that if you tell me about it."

I sigh, is so hard and painful to remember all he did to me, he hurt me so much to the extent of engraving it on my skin."

"What do you mean, engraving what?"

I sigh taking off my long sleeve jacket and my black T-shirt, I turned my back on him so he could see where tony engraved property of T.P (Tony Perez).

"He did this?!" Charlie felt my scar.

"Yeah with a knife, the last time we met." I put my clothes back on.

"Am so sorry, he is such a cruel father."

"about the blond psycho," I took a deep deep breath and blink my eyes. "H-he abused me asexually when I was nine, and Tony let him in exchange of money."

"What?!" He yelled shooting up.

I flinched and tense a little. "I just wanted to die after that then I started cutting," I didn't notice I was running my finger in my burn till Charlie grabbed my hand.

"What is this? Who did that?"


I narrated all to him absolutely all my life story.

"Alexander, a-am so so sorry," he pulled me in a born crush hug and kissed the top of my head. "You've been through a lot more than I thought, having a father like tony is awful, the next time he shows up he's going to prison like his three friends."

"Thank you for listening, it does a little good," I broke the hug.

"Is my duty." He smiled. "Put on your sweat we're going to the hospital Margaret will like to take some test on you." He stood up adjusting his clothes.

"W-why? Am okay," I stuttered.

"You need to be really courageous in terms of shots, they won't hurt you like Tony did, I promise."

"Fine," I grabbed my hoodie and we were off to the hospital unfortunately the kids were in school and Charlie had another day off.

We arrived at the hospital and was welcomed by Margaret who ran some test on me, then I was asked to wait outside.

"Alex, come in." A nurse called. I did as told and was giving a seat, Charlie and Margaret looked really worried.

"What's the prob?"

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