Sero's hoodie.

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-sero pov-

I can't belive that I was able to get with denki! but like, the bottom energy he is giving off is adorable, kinda sexual and a little kinky tho. so what do I do about that? give him a hoodie that is too big for him. he came over to my house last night and he slept here. no dip he slept with me. we finnaly got to cuddle. it was so amazing. yesterday and last night was jut amazing and I have a feeling that we will never forget it. when he woke up this moorning we checked the  tempature, It is late September and so, some days are chilly and some are warmer. Today was a bit cooler than usual so, I gave him one of my hoodies. I told him he could keep it. he basically Inhaled me and then the hoodie, confirming that he was glad it smelled like me. he put it on and it was a little too big for him. It was so cute how his fingers were mostly covered bye the sleeves and the bottom of the hoodie completly covered his body. he was really happy for the whole morning. like, happiness was raidiating from his body. It made me want to explode he is so freaking adorable! we walked to school together holding hands. but we stopped when we got to school. I gave him a quick kiss when no one was watching and he blushed. we sat down in class as the teacher rolled in on the floor in a yellow sleeping bag like a drunk caterpillar. I always thought it was a bit weird. then, at lunch I heard a conversation Denki was having with kirishima and mina as I was sitting down. "oh my goodness! Denki are you and Sero dating?!" mina asked excitedly. "yeah, isn't that his hoodie?" Kirishima asked "ohmygosh you right!" mina fangirled. denki pointed finger guns at them "yeah! me and sero are dating! pretty lit right?" they laughed at him and he laughed with them. I put my arm around him and he turned around to face me. "oh! hey sero!" he said, snuggling up to me as kirishima and mina smiled like idiots. "hey babe, how are you?" I asked, kissing his forehead. I saw him lightly blush. he is such a cute little boy. "I'm good, you?" he said, looking up and acually kissing me. "I got a whole 40 minutes to stare at you in class so I'd say i'm good." I said. he giggled and kissed me again. "I love you sero." he said. this earned a really high loud 'AWWWWW' from mina and Kirishima. Denki winked at me and then we all started a conversation as Bakugou sat down next to Kirishima. he wrapped his arm around Kirishima's waist, pulling him closer as Kirishima kissed him. "I have the legit best table ever!" mina scream whispered to herself. we all sort of started talking about what we hated in classes. denki was really worried for the upcoming exam because he said who could hardly understand any of it. I kissed him ans reminded him that I was always there to help him with it. He relaxed a little. i'm just glad I can help him with this. I understand he can get really down on himself for not getting things. It is fine though. It just takes time and, yes, our class moves pretty fast. I mean, you know Aizawa. he wont stop for anyone or anything. so, that can always make it more difficult. Denki will get the hang of it soon. I mean, second year just started last month! as the day went on, It seemed more people seemed to notice denki wearing my hoodie so, lots more people found out. mostly the homophobes just kept their mouths shut. once Bakugou fought them, then todoroki, and mina being the straight mama gay, she would beat the living shit out of them If they so much as look the wrong way at her lgbtq babies. We love our mama Mina. she is always there for us, and always, 24 hours a day, willing to help us. my baby denki looks so cute in my hoodie with his adorable confused look on his face. He is always so funny and so happy. though, he may not look it, or act it...he does suffer from light depression and anxiety. (me too buddy) all of Bakusquad knows, but that's it. he dosen't really like sharing how he really feels all that often. he used to be a lot worse. cutting, screaming, not eating, changing. you know. now, he is just, he gets down on him self and he cries a lot but, not in front of people. except for sometimes bakusquad. and he gets really stressed easily. he trusted his secret with me first, then the rest. from that day, I vowed to always be there for him. no matter what. he is happy most of the time though. with the pikachu we know and love today, it's hard to imagine a time when he coulden't even pretend to be ok. He dosen't have the best home life either. his mom is almost always extremley drunk or out at the bar and his dad is always out working and is never home, not even on holidays or special events. His dad was always having affairs and relationships with other women and his mom was always bringing home one guy after another that she met either at the bar or on the steets. so, they never lasted and were never good people. he always used to come to one of us in the middle of the night crying and asking for a place to stay for a while. his mom never cared about what happened to him but yet, she got mad when he left. my mom is nice but she is hardly home. she's always really tired and stressed. My dad was abusive so, they divorced and I haven't seen him from when I was 6 years old. Kirshima's mom is abusive and his dad there.  Bakugou's mom is rude and his dad is quiet and not usually around. Mina's dad is really nice but he mom isn't from here so she moved away when she was 4. (these backstories are for the story, accept kiri and baku's are real) we all have our moments I guess. Denki is coming over tonight to play some video games and watch a movie. then study. yes, we will acually study. we may want to have sex but we sure aren't ready yet. I mean come on, were only 16. I can barley drive! after school Bakusquad met up in the school yard and talked and played some tag for around half an hour like usual. then I took denki home. like usual, my mom wasn't there. my mom was a buissnes woman. she wore professional clothes and kept her shiney jet black hair up in a tight bun. she wore brownish lipstick and grey eye shadow and mascara everyday with he large hoop earrings. she always smelled strongly of perfumes. she worked for an archetect place. she was the boss there. anyways when we got home. pretty much I just pushed him into the couch and we made out for a bit. I did happen to leave some marks on his cute little neck. then we sat down and legit played Mario Cart for like, almost 3 hours. then, we went to my room to study. we sat down and, even though we are at a hero school, we still have math, reading and writing. He really struggles with math. he is actually really good at reading and writing. after we finished working, we got In bed and I turned on Futurama for us to got to sleep to. he snuggled up next to me, wrapping his legs around me to where, If you think about it, if one of us got hard, the other would feel it. I felt my face and ears get hot. I knew I was blushing. he buried his face is my chest "I love you so much sero." he purred seducively and happily. I soothingly ran my fingers through his soft electric yellow hair. "I love you to pikachu." I said, putting my other hand up his shirt and also rubbing his back. Pikachu and love bunny were common pet names for denki. I guess my rubbing hid back and hair felt really really good because after only about 2 minutes of this I had earned a small moan from denki. at his point, he was laying on top of me, his legs wrapped around me and his face buried in my chest. he was asleep. he was really light weight. he wasn't as muscular or big as the other guys but, he sure had a nice ass. well, that too but I meant he's really cute and personally, I think he's hot too. I layed there while watching his back rise and fall to his breathing and feeling his heartbeat on me. he was drooling on me. I didn't care. I thought it was cute how I was able to relax him that much. I continued to observe the sleeping beauty while I heard Bender and Fry talking about random stuff on the tv. I layed down, shifting him next to me. she stirred around a bit, but ended up clinging too me. I fell asleep after only a second. smiling. life is good now that he is really a part of it.

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