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-? pov-

there. there they are! just a little longer and they will be dust! ahaha! dust!! finally! they are so weak..so alone. now that i've made that crash...they are looking for me. but they don't know who their trying to find. I just need to hide a little longer. yes..a little longer. then we'll see who's the hero when all might shows up to some sad ass dust. just like always. the heros don't give shit when no ones watching. they are already to late..

-third pov-

sero looked around, trying to find who or what caused the light to fall. he walked over to it, the sturdy metal looked like complete dust in some places. he thought maybe it could be rust, but there was no red tint. and, the 'dust' was too small to be rust. so then it's a quirk.... sero thought to himself, picking u the dust. it only took sero a second to remember the run in with villans at the USJ. a tall, slim man, in black...with..hands over his face. he had a strange and creepy voice. he acted sort of like a child..but he was strong. yet scared. a villan..with a disentagration quirk. shit. "denki!" sero yelled, they had to leave. now. "yeah?" denki yelled back, seeing seros worried expression. "we need to leave. now." sero said, taking denki's hand. "wait, why?! what's wrong!? sero! I'm scared!" he said panicy. sero was right, him being visable terrifyed made denki more scared. "It's him! that childish villan with the hands on his body! from the USJ, he was the shady man following us! he made the light fall, he will kill us. we need to get out!" sero said, not knowing what to do. denki's eyes widened in horror. "I..I thought so." he said in a shakey, quiet voice. they started to run, anywhere. but they coulden't go far. they barely knew this part of the city.

-tomura shigaraki pov-

no! they're running! no no no no NO! why?! why does it always end like..*laughs* they have no idea where they're going! maybe...i can still win at this game. win! I'll win! finnaly! I'm tired of all these 'heros' getting all the victory. if they really saved lives...why didn't they save me? was something wrong with me? I wanted to be them! I looked up to them! I trusted them. I was in pain! dying! I was already dead. anxiety. depression. that was..is... my life. except now I have friends. and lets just say we change the world. thinking about my shit life made me stressed, it made my anxiety take over. I was scratching my neck again, tearing at the already red and cut skin. I haden't relized until blood got on my hand. I was hyperventalating. I wanted to cry. but I have to find them! I have to...get to..kill them! and i know just how to do it.

-third pov-

sero and denki ran all over, trying to at least find a hiding place from the insane monster. they ran into an alley behind a food shop. not the best place but, they could hear his small foot steps. (he did have small feet) he was laughing..but also having an aniety attack. It sounded like he was holding back tears. he really was childish but sero and denki coulden't help feel a little bad for the broken boy who didn't get help when he needed it so now he dosen't know any better anymore. he had so much aniety and was very much depressed. even more so than denki. beause denki had pills, denki had help. sero and denki were huddled up, jus behind the dumpster. "yeah! I can't find the kids...dabi-kun they fan the fuck away, I can't help it! yes, yes I am having a panic attack! no! I'm not crying! fuck off! anyways... i lost them. hey! don't give me that shit! yes, yes I know.. I sent you a text about the reason i called. yeah. I'm smart. hey! i'm pretty sure I'm not the one who burned my self with my own damn quirk! dont fucking even bring my family into this! at least my fucking brother and dad arent heros!" he said in a discusted tone. shigaraki was on the phone with dabi, another villan.  denki sighed with relif. he was leaving. they heard shigaraki walk away until hey couden't hear him anymore. sero was still suspicious. it wasen't unlike shigaraki to pout and give up but, he had them in a vunrable spot, he could have easily killed them had he kept looking a bit longer. yes, he was glad he haden't but, villans were sneaky. they weren't stupid. years of plans, failure, hate, pain, hiding, killing, running, training, learning, it was scary. they seemed to know every person and their faults. they were everywhere. sero and denki waited about 3 minutes, not making a noise.  sero got up and looked down the street. nothing. it was silent. like the kind of silent when someone dies, and  no one is there. had he left? did he really just, give up?! they relaxed a little but they were still very tense and jumpy. they walked for a bit, trying to find their way back. they saw a small ally, a figure was in the corner. it was a small girl, crying. denki rushed to the little girl, sero behind him. "hey, hey whats wrong? did you see him?" denki asked. the girl was facing away from them. she had a torn, dirty white dress on. they saw a bear, torn up and splattered with something dark, but there was no light to see what it was. they noticed the same dark splatters on her dress. maybe mud. "are you alright?" sero asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. she turned around, coming into the dim light. the looks of concern on their faces turned to horror. the girl had a huge hole in her stomatch, bleeding out with her flesh torn and in..dust. she grabbed her bear by the paw. she giggled. and pointed behind her. "look! it's my friend!" she said, she ran to the figure. as the figure moved closer in the extremely narrow ally, blocking the exit. they knew just who it was. they don't give up. sero only wished he had known that sooner.

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