was I too late?

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- shigaraki pov-

a simple distraction. a little girl, one i killed weeks ago. I left her to die in the all after putting that beautiful hole in her torso. but, with the help of a friend, I can bring the girl 'back to life' she is only a spirit, a figure of the little girl I murdered. but, she is so real looking, Its hard to tell. I coulden't help but laugh at their horrifyed expression. they actualy went to help her. they would have been good heros. thats why i'm going to kill them! this is my game! I get to make the rules! I get to win! and they just had their turn. now it's my turn to play! this will be enjoyable! "run along my little pet." I said, patting the girls head. she ran away giggling as she faded into a thin mist as she ran. the boy with the tape quirk. how facinating. kids these days are amazing. to bad they coulden't live long enough to enjoy it. he was the only one brave enough to look at me. I had taken the hands I wore off. he looked me in the eyes while the other one seemed to be about to faint. he has an electric quirk. if he knows how to use it, he'll be a bit harder to defeat. I can disentagrate the tap but not electricity. plus, I don't have the strongest body so it might hurt me more than i'm comfortable with. "wow. you two boys are amazing! how kind of you to think to help the little girl. you know, you should stop that. no one will ever return the favor. you 'helped' that little girl but she won't help you. partly because I killed her like, a week ago and partly because thats not how society works." I said. "no! your wrong! there is plently good in this world your...your just killing all of it!" the blonde boy spoke up. I laughed.that seems to be a popular choice of last words among young heros today. It's so sad how they actually think there is good in this world. "I'm killing all of it?! your killing my vibe! I just want to play my game! and win!" I yelled, laughing. the boy with black hair shot tape at me but I desentagrated it, knocking him to the ground. I crumbled the side of the brick wall and some bricks fell onto him. he was concious but trapped. now, he could watch his love die!

-third pov-

sero was in a lot of pain as he struggled to move the bricks covering him. he would have so many cuts and bruises. he could still see his love, denki being cornered by the man. he was struggling to keep consiousness. many of the bricks hit his head. his vison was blurred and there was ringing in his ears making his hearing faint. he watched as the villan got closer outstretching his hand to denki. he screamed and tried to move any part of his body to get out so he could save the only person he loved. but he coulden't it seemed in possible. he had broken a bone in his spine, disableing alot of limbs he needed to move. that could be fixed at a hospital but if he didn't get to denki in time it would be to late. "denki!!" he screamed, tears flowing down his face along with blood from the gashes on his head. "sero!!" denki screamed in pain, fear and concern. sero was not aware of how hurt he really was. blood was flowing and dripping from his head while blood pooled, seepign through the smal cracks in the bricks where he had been cut by the sharp edges of the brick. he wasen't concerned with his self at the time. "sero!! your-your hurt!" denki yelled "I don't care! denki, I will save you!" he yelled back. shigaraki laughed creepily. "your already too late! *laugh* both of you! you guys coulden't even save yourselves! much less each other!!" shigaraki, with five of his fingers on both of his hands, grabbed denki's shoulders and slammed him into the wall. denki screamed in pain as the skin on his shoulders turned red and started to desentagrate. "DENKI!!" sero screamed, using enough force to knock some bricks off his possibly broken arms. denki continued to scream and shigaraki moved to hid hands and stomatch. blood pooled all around denki. the only way he was still standing was because shigaraki was holding him up onto the wall. as stupid as it seemed, sero was a bit worried shigaraki was going to kiss him. he was in that position. he pushed that aside and, before shigaraki could even break skin on denki's stomatch, he thew a brick at him as hard as h could. he suprisingly had good aim and it hit shigaraki in the back of the head. he squealed and whimpered, dropping denki as denki layed there unconsious in a growing pool of his blood. shigaraki's hair turned red in some spots as there was a gash in his head. "you little bitch!!" he screamed. sero continued to throw bricks at him, even tough he was getting weaker. shigaraki looked at denki who was, in their eyes, dead. he coulden't make out the rise and fall of his chest. shigaraki started to breakdown like he does every murder. he cried and screamed and tore at his neck, apologized. he was sobbing and decided he wasen't sorry. he ran away, calling dabi to come get him. "denki! DENKI! answer me!!" sero screamed, tugging his crushed leg out of the remaining brick pile. he crawled on his sort of okay leg. he made it to denki. "DENKI! DENKI! stay with me! dont go! please! PLEASE!" he sobbed. it was another dead silence. it was around 4 in the morning and no one was there but them, not even shigaraki or the girl. denki's eyes sort of opened and he looked at sero. he tried to move but failed. sero used a bit of his remaining power to but tape to stop some bleeding. denki tried to say something but blood came out of his mouth instead. "DENKI! NO! NO no no no no! you can't--It's not fair!-I did everything! I..I did everything the heros in the stories do and they save their victim! I'm bot good enough! I-" he was cut of by denkis lightly kissing him. in a small voice denki said, "I..I love you." sero was quiet. "I love you too." he said. was that his las time to say that. was shigaraki right..was..was I too late?

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