love will always be love.

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-denki pov- 

white. it was all white. no noise execpt the ringing in my ears and the pounding in my head. I could still feel the pain but It felt distant. I knew what was happening. I was dying. soon, It would all go away. In a strange way, It felt comforting, like going to sleep after days of not being ale to. I was ready. I was so ready. then I remembered. sero. I loved sero. I loved him more than life and I loved him more that death. suddently, it wasn't comforting, it was haunting. I faintly felt sero's arms around me. I faintly heard his voice. I opened my eyes as much as I could which was hardly at all. I saw him. he was blurry but I saw him. he was really hurt but still beautiful. I will love him no matter what. love will always be love. he was screaming some words. I could hardly tell what they were but he was going to drain his energy. I used as much strength as I could to kiss him. I did. I still felt that same fluttery warm spark when we kissed. "I love you." i said, not ale to hear my voice. but I knew at least that time I said words and not blood. "I love you too." was the last I heard.  after what seemed like a second I was awake, but it was the same awake as I was when I was looking at sero. barely. I heared nurses and docters yelling and a beeping of a machine. I looked around. I saw sero next to me faintly. lying on a bed as he was hooked up to a machine. I looked to the other side, I saw cloths soaked in blood, used shots, medications, tools, etc. I was on a breathing mahine, we both were. I could see our heartbeat moniters too. It was then I relized we were in the hospital. I felt a sharp long needle peirce my skin and I faded back into an unonsious sleep. after what seemed like a long time and a short time at the same thing I was snapped back awake. this time I could feel the pain when I breathed, moved, or did nothing. the room was silent. It was just me and sero. and a nurse who was cleaning her tools and talking to a docter on the phone about a third surgery for us. thrird?! damn. I looked at the calender wih cats on it. we had been in the hospital for a week and a half. It only felt like a few hours. I saw sero look at me. the nurse gave us a medicine and we were both more awake. she said she could take up off the breathing thing for 5 minutes so we could talk. then we had surgury, it was our last one, then we could go home. or, to our dorm. they haden't found shigaraki or any villans. sneaky. I told you. me and sero talked quietly in scratchy voices. we said I love you and then got put a shot in to sleep. after our surgery, we could sit, stand, talk, eat, walk, drink and basically move again. we were in casts and bangages. but sero was something else. he had broken so many of his bones, some casts overlapped. we would be staying with deku and his mom for a while until we could be on our own. deku didn't mind, he seemed rather happy to have people to talk to. todoroki was often over too. I'm glad I have sero. he is my love. and love will always be love.

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