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-kami kami boi pov-

I love our new job! it's pretty lit. but now, we are so, so very tired. we just..didn't hink that maybe we might have should have taken a nap instead of gaming until midnight before work. you'd think Hot Topic would be chill at 1-6am but no. we are basically a pit stop on the way to a cult. you see, at those times is when the sterotypical Hot Topic shoppers come to shop. we had less extremly sterotypical people come in but like, if you come in to Hot Topic all decked out in your VSCO shit and you're all perfect and popular. not weird at all and just so..normal.. and confused cuz u ain't no weeb or anthing. then oh honey you're lost. you may not wanna admit it but, no one who goes into Hot Topic on purpose is exactly normal. me and sero came home pretty much hung over. good thing it was friday. we wanted to do something romantic like go on a date . we had planned to go on a coffee date this morning last night, before we got tired. but, we can still be lovey and tired at the same time. we plopped down on our bed and turned on a random movie. we started to cuddle and snuggle up to each other. we kept shifting how we were laying. I guess because we liked the way it felt to move against each other and be so close at the same time. lmao so basically border line grinding. we sound so horney right now but I swear, irl it looks like some fluff I swear. but yeah. we fell asleep pretty fast together. we woke up, at lunch time. we were so tired we just got up, used the bathroom and then made ramen. after we ate we wen't back to sleep. still cuddling and snuggling in the process. I'm so glad I have him. I'm so happy. I'm so lucky too. he is perfect. he understands me without being the same person, he knows just what to say and just how to say it, he knows just what to do and when to do it, he is smart, helpful, reliable, funny, a weeb, a  memer, a gamer and just all around everything I could ever want and need in a person. I have recently been thinking about marrage. and moving out and..well....that. yeah..I don't know when we'd do that tho. I mean sure I want to but I just don't know if I'm quite ready. we've only been dating for maybe a month and a half and I already can't imagine not dating him. It feels like a million years ago when we got together. I mean, call me a sap but, I don't want to live without him. I don't want to date anyone else, I don't want anyone but sero. I mean, middle school relationships have been going on for more than a month and a half and they feel like they wanna get married but hey, then the break up. I just- something feels different about us. I don't think we will. but, oddly enough, it seems like an unreal fairytail for us to get married. I just love him so much I can't imagine actually getting to marry Hanta Sero. I felt myself smile and blush, my face in his chest. I guess he did too because he tilted my head to look at him and he kissed my nose. "what are you thinking about love bunny?" he said softly. "I don't know, getting you." I said blushing harder, he blushed a bit and I took this as a chance to smoothly wink at him and do a weird eyebrow thing. he blushed harder than me and covered his face in the sheets "oh-denki why?! why must you do this to me?! you're so weird!" he dramatically yelled from being buried in the sheets. "Oh come on, you know you love me!" I said. he lifted his head up and pulled my down on top of him. then, he flipped me so that I was the bottom. "yes, yes I do. and you love me." I was blushing. so this would be our position huh? well, not a bad view from down here to say the least. "yeah. I really do love you don't I?" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "I guess so pikachu." he said, kissing me softly. I can't help but melt when he kisses me, everytime. it's like sparks. that's not my quirk talking. I don't think. We continued to cuddle, getting a few good extra hours of sleep. I love my sero.

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