the reason i relate to todoroki a/n

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im crying right now. do you know why? my dad is an ass. everyday he comes home and yells at me and sometimes slaps me. he dosen't like me I can tell. he acts like he does but he never really does. as a kid he did but then now he always is yelling at me. he gets all pissed when i don't tell him the mental issues like depression and anixety I have but he only ever makes it worse. when I do he says that I need to suck it up and get over myself or, one of his favorite phrases, 'you are going through anything'  he didn't have the best childhood but he always says he did. he dosen't understand shit and I dread him coming home to me just to find something i could have done wrong. my sister is miss perfect though. she's younger. shes 9. I don't know if he does love me or not. i still love him but hate him too. he is ruining my already broken self. I can't take it. so yeah, daddy issues like todoroki. oh and yeah, I used to be loud and proud in the younger years of elementary but coming out and at the end of it is when it got bad. then, it got worse. I lost all my friends, I hide my emotions and wait until everyone is asleep to cry all night to put on an emotionless mask. I'm quiet and shit. I'm dying painfully inside but I'll act like I'm fine. only one..two..people know how I feel. my only friend and my mom. my mom is nice but she goes crazy sometimes. like just crying and stuff. I know it's my fault. not often though, she's fine other wise. we are christian and I try to be good but it's hard.  I'm not a good person. I hardly get to do anything with her, she's home but busy. so i have to do most with my dad. mom issues and emotionless like todoroki. i relate to him so much. plz, if you know me irl don't tell. if you parents...Idk what they'll do to me but I'll get seriousy beat so plz don't. yup. thats why im todoroki.

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