Execution of the fittest

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Song of the chapter: suicide, Rihanna
third person POV

'So the date is set. On October 30th it will commence." said one of the many werewolves now staying in the pack house, all gathered in the alphas office, staring at the girl with claw marks all over her chest.

"Is this really necessary your highness, maybe he could be trained or help-" one muttered pleadingly to the blonde teen who was resided in the corner of the room, holding on to her mate with a look of pity on her face.

"Don't be a fool Scott! look at what he did to Eva! Look at what he did to our mate!" The black haired one shouted, twiddling with his eyebrow piercing in frustration. Scott looked at his mate, furrowing his eyebrows. How could he have let this happen? one minute they were talking about the fate of their beloved alpha brother who had become an almost extinct species of hybrid and the next his mate was screaming like her life depended on it as his friend, her own mate, ripped open her her chest and drank her blood without a moments hesitation.

It wasn't only Scott who felt responsible. Every wolf in that room felt pity for the poor girl who had been dealt a bad hand in life at this present moment in time. Even the visiting royals felt partly to blame. But how could any of them have known what Tate would become?

"So soon though chase? I mean at least give him a fair trial before we sentence him" Kieran spoke up, looking conflicted about the whole ordeal. The other alpha sitting behind the desk finally stood up and walked to his sister, cradling her closely as she finally succumbed to the sobs of pain and terror for her mate.

"The sooner the better I say, do you really want that monster around Eva ,Kieran?" Chase said, biting his lip and also looking at the girl.

The royals handed the girls brother a folder, that read 'EXECUTION' in bold red letters, standing out among the Manila coloured background, before heading towards the door and departing, the one known as Gabe nodded his head at her brother and closed the door slowly, making sure not to make a sound in case he provoked the hybrid only a floor away.

They all let out a sigh of relief, the power that radiated from the king and queen was stressing all of the wolves out, not to mention the added on worries of what to do with Tate.

"Chase is right Kieran. This is the only way. If he's turned on his own soul mate, who knows what he'll do to the population." Jake said, still cradling his sister as her tears kept coming.

Kieran sighed and nodded his head, finally coming to terms with what must be done. Who could've known things would turn out like this? he thought to himself. There was an eery silence when Eva stopped crying, a creaking noise came from the floor above. Everyone held their breath, while Chase and Kieran tried to mind link Emma, Bryan and Blake who were currently standing watch outside the medical bay where, Tate was.

Eva took a deep breath, flicked the escaping red locks of hair out of her face and wiped her tears. Hugging her brother one last time she stood and looked at her 3 remaining mates who were in the room.

"What's done is done. whether he is a threat or not, he is my mate" she gestured to her marks before carrying on. "These were done by him, and if you think it is right to execute him for what comes naturally for his kind, then you do that. But think, if that were you up there and your supposed 'friends' were debating your death only a floor below you, how would you feel?"

The 3 of them looked at each other sorrowfully but their minds were made up. It was up to them to comfort Eva and make sure she would get through this unharmed and with her love for them intact.

"Evangeline, think of it from their perspectives. The one person who they loved more than anything in the world was almost killed by their trusted friend. Now they have been ordered by the king and queen to dispose of him, and rightfully so. He's not the mate you used to know sis. He never will be, there's no way to get him back, I'm sorry." Jake said, feeling sorry for his baby sister, who was so close to losing her soul mate.

Eva held back the tears that were burning her eyes and thought carefully on her brothers words. Was it right what they were trying to do? was it justified? fair?

"But what if there was a way to get him back? What if there's some sort of cure and we just havent got the resources to make it yet? What if we just have to wait a few years to get him back?" She said frantically, she knew she was searching for an excuse where there was none. But how could she let him die?

"That's a lot of 'what if's kitten. But the one question you should be asking yourself is 'will he hurt the ones i love'? and i know that you know the answer. You just don't want to admit it." Scott said, looking at Eva knowingly. She shook her head in anguish, still keeping back those betraying tears and backed up into the office wall.

"But you're the ones hurting the one i love. I know he cheated Scott, I know what he did was wrong. But he saved me, we were made for each other!" she argued, still shaking her head and furrowing her brows.

Scott thought for a second before looking towards chase pleadingly.

Chase nodded understandingly and stepped forward. He knew what would make Eva see that this was the right thing to do.

"Eva, do you think it was easy for me to lose Iris?"

Eva looked at him in shock, not believing what he said.

"w-what?" she mumbled, throwing him a confused look.

"Losing Iris, do you think it was east for me?" he spoke, looking her dead in the eye, letting his pain show her the answer to his question.

"No, of course not Chase, why would you even say that, we all know how hard that was on-" She started but was interrupted by him once again as he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"it wasn't easy. I felt my heart break when i saw that car hit her. It was like losing a part of my soul. At the time i thought, why would the moon Goddess do this to me? surely i deserve a mate? Surely I deserved a happy ending to? But then your mates came, and i realized why Iris died" He said, stopping Eva in her tracks. Her mind went blank as she soaked in his words and tried to process what he was saying.

"I don't understand Chase"

Chase sighed. "Of course you don't. Eva, Iris was meant to die, so that i could have a shot at being your mate. And now i see that all that pain i went through? It was worth it. Cause now i get to call you mine. I lost my soul mate, but i gained the love of my life." He finished, making everyone in the room stop and stare at him. The boys couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he lying to get Eva to see that losing Tate was what was supposed to happen? or did he really mean what he said.

Eva looked down at the carpeted floor and let the tears flow from her eyes. Nodding her head she ran to Chase and hugged him with all her might, letting her anger and sadness show at the realization at what was going to happen today.

Scott looked at Eva and felt his wolf clawing at the surface to be with her. Taking a step towards them he asked Chase with his eyes if he could take her. Chase passed Eva to him as he shushed her for a while.

She pulled out of the hug, disturbing the silence that had settled among-st them and looked to Kieran.

"Take me to him"

okay! this is kinda different for me cause I've never written in third person but i hope you guys liked it!

vote, comment and follow!

hope and love

Mary xx

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