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pic of Bryan ---->

Okay so, I said I would tell you all of the wolves names so here goes!

Eva Lockhart-luna

Chase Rivers- red

Blake Chambers-skylar

Tate Steele- Xavier

Kieran Knight- Ruben

Scott Silvers- Luka

Bradley smith- Wyatt

Emma Smith- not specified.

Jake Lockhart- Willow

Bryan Crade- Leo

More will be revealed within the story.

They...they marked me.

I remember hearing screaming and looks of utter disbelief on Scott, Blake and chases faces.

I remember the look of sorrow on their faces as they all nodded towards each other as I felt another three pairs of canines dig into the skin of my neck.

I remember being picked up and carried to chases black Ferrari and having someone hold me, whispering sweet symphonies in my ear.

I remember the feeling of blood running down my neck onto my dress.

I remember crying for help asking them why they did this, Kieran, Tate. I thought they loved me. The others, they marked me straight after Kieran and Tate did. I don't understand. Why? Why would they?

My vision blurred with the tears that wouldn't stop and I began to feel dizzy as I collapsed onto someone's lap.

That was when I knew I was no longer conscious.

Chases POV

I watched as Kieran and Tate dug their teeth into Eva's neck. I felt red make the most threatening growl I've ever heard as I ran towards Eva.

"we need to mark her" red growled.

"What? No! We are not like those mutts, we don't forcefully mark out mate!"

"Chase, if we don't mark her now we'll be her second mates forever"

"Second mates?"

"Yeah, her second mates, kieran and Tate will be her firsts and we'll be her second"

"What does that mean?"

He growled loudly and howled in my head, causing it to ache. I took that as a sign to just do what he says and not ask questions.

I lunged towards Eva and lightly kissed the base of her neck before biting hard leaving my mark.

I looked to my left and saw Blake with his teeth in the other side of Eva's neck and Scott to my right doing the same thing. Did their wolves tell them the same thing that red told me?

I pulled back and looked into her bright green eyes. They widened in shock before her eyelids began to droop with exhaustion.

I went to pick her up out of the guys grasps, but Scott wouldn't let her go. His eyes were black, must've been luka taking over with his possessive ways.

He looked at me with a look that could kill, his chest rumbled beneath his suit as his lip curled in hate.

I returned the look with an equal amount and was about to pull Eva out of his grin before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I looked behind me and saw Blake.

"He needs her right now, just let him have her, at least until we get back." He looked at war with his wolf when he said that.

"He loves her, much to my disgust" red said with a grunt.

I nodded my head towards Blake and backed away from Scott.

Scott also nodded at me before he walked towards my car.

I threw my keys at Blake signalling him to drive.

I got in the passenger seat with Blake while Scott and Eva were in the back of the car.

Scott was just staring at her, rocking her back and forth while humming her to sleep, I gotta admit, the guy was a softie at heart.

Eva looked at peace with him, just like she did with me.

"I'm gonna kill those motherfuckers!" Blake slammed his fists into the steering wheel while driving, his eyes were black for the umpteenth time tonight.

His lip was curled revealing his large wolfs teeth, he looked straight on at the road, glancing back at Eva every few seconds in the rear view mirror.

"I just don't understand them, one minute they're all over her and the next...they're just..." Scott struggled for words, he looked down at the floor debating something with himself while stroking Eva's hair.

"Did he sleep with someone while she was gone?" I felt as though I was intruding on the conversation but i did have a right to know so I could smash his face in.

"Yeah he did, we tried to stop him, we couldn't." He shook his head and again looked back at Eva.

"Who would do something like that when they have such a perfect mate?" My voice was as quiet as a whisper but still Blake and Scott heard it.

"He's pathetic and he doesn't deserve her!" Blake screamed.

"Blake!" I turned around in shock, staring into the deep green eyes of my mate, her voice was soft and raspy, tears were dried on her face and the whites of her eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and yet she still managed to look beautiful.

Blake pulled over harshly to the side of the road.

"Scott your driving" Scott growled at him and kept Eva in his arms. Blake growled loudly and stared at him, it looked like this wasn't up for discussion.

They both jus looked at each other, never once blinking, seeing which one would give in first and break the stare.

"How 'bout I drive?" Sensing that this was not going to end easily I offered.

Eva looked at me with sympathetic eyes and leaned over to the passenger seat, kissing my lips.

Spark flew everywhere around my body but were short lives as she pulled back to sit back down.

Blake got out of the car before nodding thankfully towards me.

I began driving towards our pack house as it was the closest to the ball, looking back at Eva like Blake did every few seconds.

She was lying on Blake and Scott, her head in Blake's lap and her legs securely wrapped in Scott's arms.

He rubbed circles on her calves while Blake kissed every inch of her face.

I wondered for a moment and then decided to talk to my wolf, might as well.

"Hey buddy, how you doin'?"

He was silent for a moment before replying

"I feel complete chase" woah now that was weird, never once has he said that, not even with iris.

"Your not jealous of Blake and Scott and all of the guys?"

"No, she is ours to share and I love her, my only worry is for the future"

"The future? What do you mean?" I was slightly confused, what did red know of the future?

"Luna and Eva are going to get hurt chase"

I blinked a couple of times before gripping the steering wheel, my knuckles slowly turning white.

"Not if I can help it they won't"

"Chase, man, it's about to happen, just make sure you look after Eva, me, luka, Ruben and Skylar got Luna covered."

I sensed that a name was missing from what he said but dismissed it, he probably just forgot to say one.

I pulled up at the pack house to see a red Ferrari already parked up in the driveway.

I went to open my door but stopped when I heard Eva's blood curdling scream.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, clutching her neck in pain.

I jumped out the car and got in the back seat with the guys, helping calm her.

"Eva, baby, what is it? What's wrong?" I said frantically, I looked at the guys and saw they had the same confusion written all over their faces as I did.

She didn't answer me but just carried on clutching her neck while screaming loudly, I touched her neck lightly and felt a hot sensation run through my hand, it was burning.

She then began to clutch her chest instead, breathing heavily. Gasping for air. Blake rubbed her back, Scott shushed her while brushing her hair behind her ears while I say in front of her holding her knees, making sure she didn't keel over.

What was wrong with her?

Suddenly red words echoed in my head.

Luna and Eva are gonna get hurt chase.

This was it, this was what he was talking about?

The only question was, what caused it?

Oooo! Hey guys wassup!!!!

Like this chapter!? Hoping you did!

Vote and comment if you did! And please please pleaseeeee follow! It's awesome that so many of you are reading this! Last time I checked It was over 600 reads! Eep!

So I'm on vacation in a few days but I will try and post if I have wifi up In Europe.

Hope you liked it! And post what you think is wrong with Eva!

Love ya's!!

Kay xxx

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